"Unethical advertising and normative theories" Essays and Research Papers

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    Normative Theory

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    | Normative theoryNormative theories describe an ideal way for a media system to be structured and operated. Most normative theories develop over time. Normative theories differ in two ways from scientific theories: (1) they are less concerned with specific predictions‚ and (2) they are less directly tied to systematic‚ empirical‚ direct observation.First two normative theories are authoritarianism and libertarianism. Authoritarianism calls for direct regulation of media and media content by the

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    Normative Theory

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    Normative Theory Normative Theory Hypotheses or other statements about what is right and wrong‚ desirable or undesirable‚ just or unjust in society. The majority of sociologists consider it illegitimate to move from explanation to evaluation. In their view‚ sociology should strive to be value-free‚ objective‚ or at least to avoid making explicit value-judgements. This is because‚ according to the most popular philosophies of the social sciences‚ conflicts over values cannot be settled factually.

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    unethical advertising

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    Generally speaking‚ advertising is the promotion of goods‚ services and ideas‚ usually by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. Other components of the promotional mix include publicity‚ public relations‚ personal selling and sales promotion. Advertisement Advertising is a form of communication whose purpose is to inform potential customers about products and services and how to obtain and use them. Many advertisements are also designed to

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    Unethical Advertising

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    Unethical advertising Advertising in the 21st century has become more competitive and aggressive toward children. They are being inundated by advertising at a very young age through television‚ radio‚ internet‚ and teen magazines. Children are vulnerable marketing targets: easy to manipulate and posse the power of persuasion over parents. They take things literally and can’t discriminate between the real and imaginary features of products. Companies are exploiting children as consumers which

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    Normative Theories

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    Normative Theories Application Normative ethical theories can generally be divided into three types: teleological‚ deontological‚ and virtue ethics. The first two types are considered as action-based theories because they focus entirely upon the actions which a person performs. The last one focuses on training decision maker’s character. Teleological theories are characterized focus primarily on the consequences. In order to make the correct ethical decisions‚ decision-maker has to evaluate

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    Normative Ethical Theories

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    NORMATIVE ETHICAL THEORIES Objective • Discuss the normative ethical theories L2: Normative Ethical Theories Beliefs about how people should behave can be classified into at least 2 major categories: Teleological theories (Consequentialism) Right actions are those that produce the most or optimize the consequences of one’s choices. Behaviour is ‘ethical’ if it results in desirable behaviour 1. 2. 3. 4. Ethical egoism Ethical elitism Ethical parochialism Ethical universalism Deontological theories

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    Positive Accounting Positive economic theory and accounting practices are objective and based on fact. Positive accounting focuses on analyzing the economic statistics and data at hand‚ and deriving conclusions based on those figures. For example‚ if corporate growth allows a company to increase shareholder dividends over previous dividend payments‚ positive accounting theory would conclude that corporate growth causes a rise in stockholder dividends. Most bookkeeping and data collection involved

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    Normative theory and whistle-blowing Introduction Whistle-blowing in this context is the act‚ for an employee‚ disclosing what he believes to be an unethical or illegal behaviour to higher management (internal whistle-blowing) or to an external authority or the public (external whistle-blowing). Examples of unethical acts include sexual harassment and racial discrimination at work while illegal act include the accounting fraud by the Arthur-Andersen accountants for Enron (Sims & Brinkmann 2003)

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    Public Administration & Management: An Interactive Journal 6‚ 3‚ 2001‚ pp. 87-90 Normative Theory and Policy Evaluation Stuart Nagel MKM-PSO-DSI Center and University of Illinois I. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS An interesting question concerns the ethical obligations of people who do policy analysis research. Such research often involves ethical dilemmas that relate to: 1. Whether one’s purposes should include prescription or evaluation‚ as well as prediction or explanation. 2. Whether or not

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    Ancient moral theory explains morality in terms that focus on the moral agent. These thinkers are interested in what constitutes‚ e.g.‚ a just person. They are concerned about the state of mind and character‚ the set of values‚ the attitudes to oneself and to others‚ and the conception of one ’s own place in the common life of a community that belong to just persons simply insofar as they are just. A modern might object that this way of proceeding is backwards. Just actions are logically prior to

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