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    Bai Bithaman Ajil

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    FAQ on Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) Financing Frequently asked questions about BBA house financing What is Al Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) house financing? THE BBA house financing is an Islamic house financing facility‚ which is based on the Sharia concept of Al Bai’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA). It is a contract of deferred payment sale i.e. the sale of goods on deferred payment basis at an agreed selling price‚ which includes a profit margin agreed by both parties. Profit in this context is justified

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    In Elizabethian times – money meant power‚ and a person’s status in the society. Money was one of the most important factors that society could not live without. However‚ there are things which money itself cannot buy or represent‚ such as the true value of a person‚ friendship‚ and revenge. In the play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ by William Shakespeare‚ we explore the important idea that money cannot represent everything‚ through the bond between Shylock and Antonio‚ Bassanio’s choice of caskets‚ and

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    Islamic Banking vs. Conventional Banking In most Islamic countries‚ they tend to practice two types of financing in banking industry which are conventional and Islamic banking. The country like in Malaysia has successfully developed an Islamic banking system that operates in parallel with the conventional banking system. There is similarity between conventional banking and Islamic banking which helps to promote economic growth provided financing services such as credit facilities for business activity

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    The Merchant of Venice

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    In Shakespeare’s play‚ an alternative title for the ’Merchant of Venice’ was ’The Jew of Venice’. Which title do you think is the more appropriate? ’The Merchant of Venice’ tittle has been carefully chosen and it is apt and suggested. There has been some controversy among the critics that the tittle belong to Shylock or Antonio. This controversy arose because in the first entry the play had been named ’The Merchant of Venice’ or ’The Jew of Venice’. Later on the double tittle disappeared and it

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    To what extent does Shakespeare present Shylock as a victim? In the ‘Merchant of Venice’ Shakespeare makes it very difficult for us to define who is the victim and who is the villain as certain characters‚ such as Shylock reveal many personalities and therefore portray elements of both the victim and the villain. We are first introduced to Shylock in Act 1 scene 3. In this scene it is quickly made apparent that Shlyock enjoys power‚ especially over Bassanio and likes watching him suffer. This

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    NAME : SCHERZO WAHID NAIBORHU ID : 014201200145 1. Murabaha in one day‚ there is a guy named Hadi. he is the customer of Bank Muamalat Indonesia. He wants to purchase a car type Daihatsu APV to support his current job which is to accommodate elementary students to go to their school. since his money is not enough because his old car that he sell haven’t sold yet. therefore‚ he decides to go to bank Muamalat to make am Murabahah contract. The price of the car is 200 million rupiah. After that bank

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    Similarly to Othello‚ racial slurs were used to describe Shylock‚ often by Antonio‚ as he refers him to a ‘Jew’ rather than calling him by his name (Derek Cohen). Although‚ by Antonio calling him a ‘Jew’‚ it is not explicitly a racial term but it becomes racial because of the repetition of Antonio calling Shylock a ‘Jew’ rather than his name. As he is called a ‘Jew’ 58 times and his actual name 17 times which again shows Shakespeare stripping Shylock of any identity other than of being a Jew. However

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    Surecut Shears, Inc

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    PRIMARY PROBLEM Mr. Fischer forecasted NOF of $4‚492‚000 but actually ended up being $3‚465‚000 due to a retailing downturn. Higher-than-expected inventory was being carried through the peak season as well. This was their peak sales period and it was hoped that proceeds from this season would pay off the seasonal loan for the capital expenditure. SureCut Shears now faced a credit problem because they no longer expected to be able to pay off the seasonal loan. INTERPRETATION OF EXHIBITS Due

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    Merchant of Venice

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    The Merchant of Venice illustrates a clear discrepancy between the moral values of its Christian characters and those of Shylock; at last revealing favor for the mercy‚ generosity‚ love‚ and self-sacrifice of the Christians. Irrespective of the religious hypocrisy displayed by the Christians of the play‚ they ultimately prove the victors‚ while those who disregard the virtues of Christian doctrine suffer highly disagreeable consequences. Shylock‚ a miserly Jew and heartless usurer characterized

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    Part I – Relation between BI rate and banks interest rate A. BI rate We take the BI rate‚ as the variable being estimated‚ from the period of 2006 until 2012. We then take the average rate in each year‚ rather than taking the rate in each month. As a note to the year 2012‚ we take the average rate that ranges only from January until August. Figure 1. BI rate (Percent per Annum) Source : Indonesian Financial Statistics‚ Bank of Indonesia‚ http://www.bi.go.id/web/en/Statistik/Statistik+

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