"Violence and social unrest" Essays and Research Papers

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    Video games and violence

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    contained violence. Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings‚ increases in bullying‚ and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence‚ reward players for simulating violence‚ and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. Video game advocates contend that a majority of the research on the topic is deeply flawed and that no causal relationship has been found between video games and social violence. They argue

    Premium Domestic violence Video game Violence

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    Intimate Partner Violence

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    Intimate Partner Violence Part 5 Lolita J. Henley NURS/544 April 17‚ 2012 Kelley Hawes DNP‚ ANP-BC Intimate Partner Violence Part 5 The Centers for Disease Control website (2012) noted that National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) reports an average of 24 people are victims of physical violence‚ rape‚ or stalking per minute by an intimate partner in the United States. During the course of a year that amounts to well over 12 million men and women. The survey numbers only

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    Institutional Security and Violence Curtis B. Sanders Introduction to Correction C. J. 130 -October 5 - 2010

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    Domestic Violence Songs

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    Introduction Domestic violence‚ the connotation of the two words immediately invokes images in everyone’s mind. Two songs will be discussed in this paper‚ the songs relate directly to the issue. The first song is “A Child Called ‘it’” by Buckcherry‚ released in 2008 on the Black Butterfly album. The second song is “Im ok” by Christina Aguilera‚ released in 2002 on the Stripped album. Buckcherry’s song‚ is about a book that is based on a true story of a child that was abused by his mother. Similarly

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    Sports Fan Violence

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    Fan Violence and the Emergent Norm Theory There is a lot of emotion when people are trying to win for themselves or for their team. In sports‚ as long as there is competition and high emotion‚ there will always be the potential for violence. However‚ the violence isn’t always among the players of the sports. Violence among fans is not a new trend. I have been an athlete my entire life‚ so spectator violence is not a new trend to me. At many of my softball games‚ I have experienced angry parents

    Free Violence Aggression Sociology

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    DEVIANCE AND VIOLENCE IN SCHOOLS A REVIEW OF THE EVIDENCE IN E NGLAND 1 CAROL HAYDEN‚ INSTITUTE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDIES‚ UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH ABSTRACT The article outlines the nature and development of the debate about deviance and violence in schools in England. It explains disciplinary differences in the use of terminology. The focus is on summarising the most recent evidence about the nature and extent of these issues. Policy and practice developments targeted at reducing problem

    Premium High school Violence Crime

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    Mass Media and Violence

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    Mass Media and Violence Is it hard to believe that just forty years ago only a few privileged American families had televisions in their home? In recent years‚ it is estimated that a whopping ninety-eight percent of Americans have one or more television sets in their home. Motion pictures‚ televisions‚ video games‚ and the internet are just some forms of mass media that have emerged since the last century. With the rise of mass media‚ the increase of violent behavior has increased as well. Mass

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    Youth Violence In America

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    English 110 15 November 2012 Youth Violence in America: Risk Factors and Stages of Prevention As long as governments exist‚ there will always be crime for them to combat. A portion of this crime is‚ and will continue to be‚ organized crime. The United States is constantly working to protect its citizens from transnational criminal alliances‚ but the streets of this nation are still being crippled by domestic organizations. The 2011 National Gang Threat Assessment declares‚ “Gangs are expanding

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    evidence‚ to cause everything from anti-social behaviour and increased levels of violence to school shootings and youth gang activity. Often the individuals who make these claims have never played video games themselves and have natural biases to video games either because of their own past experiences or from lack of knowledge on the subject. In the article Playing at Violence‚ Pacifique Irankunda tries to relate violent video games to the culture of violence he experienced during the civil war in

    Premium Video game Video game controversy Nonviolent video game

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    Rock Music and Violence

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    Does the Effect of Rock Music Cause Violence? Growing up listening to rock music was a part of my life‚ discovering from my older brother the band Kiss was just awesome and then later actually seeing them in concert when I was 15 was even better! So to me music is an essential part of life in America today. Millions of Americans listen to recordings from a variety of artists every day. Since the advent of Rock N’ Roll‚ politicians‚ law enforcement‚ and several independent organizations have

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