Evan Cholak English 15 Soyoung Burke Lowering the Voting Age to 16 This proposal will lower the current voting age from 18 to 16. The purpose of the proposal is to give American youth citizens their freedom and right to vote. Voting has been around for a very long time. New Zealand was the first major country to gain universal voting rights or suffrage. The United States has six Amendments the are based on voting laws. For example the 26th Amendment was presented to give 18 year olds the
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In my opinion I think the voting age should be lowered to age 16. The first example of why I think the voting age should be lowered to age 16 is because youths can be tried for crimes as adults and they can fight and die for their country like adults but yet they are still not allowed to vote. I think it’s highly unfair if you treat teenagers who are 16 years old like adults on some issues but not all is issues. If you treat 16 year olds like adults on one issue‚ why not all other issues. It is
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Tiffany Gallt Ms. Wing English 12 15 December 2012 Voting Age: Should it be reduced? The very idea of America is freedom and opportunity for everybody. Amongst these is the most valued legal right within a democracy: the right to vote. However‚ an unfortunate reality is that the majority of the people ages 16-17 cannot ("Age and Sex Composition in the United States: 2011"). With the ever falling number of participants in political votes due to the event of the generation of the baby boomers dying
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Should the voting age in UK be changed to 16? Countries such as Austria have implemented this change already. It is natural for changes to take place as they are a sign of progress‚ however some are dedicated to the opinion‚ that allowing young members of society to vote might destabilize the country‚ as young politically unaware people might be easily persuaded and their opinion swayed‚ that they are not motivated to conduct a research in order to have a good understanding and knowledge of their
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is expressed by the simple act of voting which is one of the most important human rights . In lebanon ‚ we get introduced to that concept at a young age in school when kids get to vote for their class president for instance‚ then we develop a better understand of its political aspect at university. During the 19th century ‚ the most common age at which the citizens acquired the right to vote was 21 or higher . However ‚ by the end of the 20th century the voting age has become 18 in almost all countries
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is the right to vote. Voting is a process by which a person or a group of people expresses an opinion formally or officially.It gives citizen the chance to have a say in the way they are governed.Through voting‚citizens are able to choose candidates for public office or decide on public issues or law. Everyone would agree that there has to be a minimum voting age. In Malaysia‚the legal voting age is 21 but there is a general consensus mainly circled around the voting age should be lowered to 18. In
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lot of thing are said to happen if the voting age is lowered to the age of 16. It isn’t the first time the voting age been changed from one thing to another. Just think about it‚ 16 year old aren’t ready to make them type of decision at that age. I’m not sure if even 18 has the mindset of voting because they are caught up in other thing rather than voting at that age. As stated in the essay only 38% of 18-24 year old voted in the 2012 elections. Lowering the age would drop the turnout rate majorily
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this problem but the most debatable resolution is whether the voting age be lowered from eighteen to sixteen. What would persuade the government to lower the voting age to an even lower one than the young adults age of eighteen? On the other hand how can the youth of Canada who have their individual opinions and beliefs be able to make a difference in society without having the right to vote? I strongly believe that lowering the voting age will interest youth to further participate in politics and they
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Lowering the Legal Drinking Age Today we live in a country that prides itself on being free‚ although there are a number of people that feel they do not have as much freedom as they deserve‚ such as the freedom to drink at a younger age. The legal drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18‚ where in the eyes of the law you are seen as an adult. Many different opinions are opened as the subject of lowering the legal drinking age is brought up. For most‚ if not all‚ teenagers in high school
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Lower the Drinking Age Everyone knows that it is illegal to consume alcohol under the age of 21. Why is 21 the "magical" age that makes a person intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol? Sure‚ some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly‚ but why not 18 or 35 or 40? This seemingly random number‚ 21‚ is associated with adulthood‚ as if the day a person turns 21 they know everything and are mature. The drinking age should be lowered to
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