"We can evade reality but we cannot avoid the consequences of doing so" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Ways We Lie

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    Tristan Fox Block 7 The Ways We Lie 1. Ericsson uses the same reference of her bank in the intro and the conclusion to prove her point and in the end the intro and conclusion make the whole story stick together. 2. The White Lie is a very informative section and uses a good example to prove her point. The next section I analyzed is very similar but the example in this one comes first and then she explains after. 3. In a way omission is like a syntactic ambiguity where faulty sentence

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    we wear the masks

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    ENC 1102 October 10 2014 We Wear the Mask In Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem We Wear the Mask you quickly find out it is one big metaphor. Dunbar’s meaning behind this poem is about people covering up their feelings like someone using a mask to cover their face; as if it’s a big front to hide what is really going on. Dunbar being an African American poet in the late 19th and early 20th century was a harder time on colored people. His poems relate back to the hardships he saw and knew. The poem is

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    The Ways We Lie

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    In "The Ways We Lie‚" by Stephanie Ericsson‚ the author depicts the many ways humans lie and justifies the reasons for doing so. There is the white lie‚ which is basically telling an untruth . Facades are basically changing your personality while ignoring the plain facts‚ as the title implies‚ is a false action done with the intent to deceive. Deflecting is not answering the question at all; it is being up-front about comfortable issues and not revealing the couple of very important issues that changes

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    We Shall Remain

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    Native Americans 12 February 2015 Indian Hardship and the King Philip’s War Almost 400 years later‚ we still know almost nothing about the original Thanksgiving Celebration that has become so commonplace in American Society today. Records show that it probably occurred in the late summer of 1621‚ almost a year after the Wampanoag Indians first made contact with the English Pilgrims. However‚ what we do know from this event is the rapid expansion and deterioration that followed which lead to the eventual

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    The Future We Want

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    United Nations A/RES/66/288 Distr.: General 11 September 2012 General Assembly Sixty-sixth session Agenda item 19 Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [without reference to a Main Committee (A/66/L.56)] 66/288. The future we want The General Assembly‚ Recalling its resolution 64/236 of 24 December 2009‚ in which it decided to organize‚ in 2012‚ the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development at the highest possible level‚ as well as its resolution 66/197 of 22 December

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    Why We Laugh

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    interesting and controversial theories of humour stems from the work of Freud. The psychoanalytic theory of humour argues that humour is essentially masked aggression which gives us gratifications we desperately crave. As Freud wrote in his classic book—Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious— “and here at last we can understand what it is that jokes achieve in the service of their purpose. They make possible the satisfaction of an instinct (whether lustful or hostile) in the face of an obstacle that stands

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    In Weed We Trust

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    Erinn Smith In Weed We Trust Marijuana is a gateway drug‚ or so they say. The legalization of marijuana is a common topic talked about in today’s politics‚ and it should be. People have gone back and forth on the pros and cons this decision could have. The fact of the matter is though‚ that the pros seem to outweigh the cons drastically. The spanish brought marijuana to America in 1545‚ and by 1611 it became a major commercial crop. However‚ marijuana didn’t really catch on till the jazz age

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    level of happiness. Csikszentmihalyi’s article mostly focuses on the topic about those who are rich and why they are not happy‚ whereas the Diener’s article mostly focuses on the topic whether or not money can buy happiness. Contemporary author‚ Mihaly Csikszentmihaly‚ in her text‚ “If We Are So Rich‚ Why Aren’t Happy?” discusses the unclear relationship between material and subjective well-being. Mihaly compares nations with more than twice the gross national product of another country with less

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    In the TED talk‚ “ When We Design for Disability‚ We all Benefit‚” Elise Roy explains how her life has changed her perspective on how to make different tools to help with different disabilities. Disabilities help improve design by all people in society because eventually many people will enjoy the new invention that was made for a person with disabilities. Roy explains how she invented safety goggles for wood shop that can visually alert the person when an object is going to come back at her using

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    We Keep On Dancing

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    Love and Loss over a Broken-Down Volkswagen Beetle in ’We Keep on Dancing’ By Monica Sztybel A Volkswagen Beetle serves as a reminder of a lost love in the Australian short film We Keep on Dancing by Jessica Barclay Lawton and Rhys Mitchell. Alan (William Gluth) is mourning the loss of his wife‚ Christine. It’s her birthday today and he was on his way to the cemetery to bring her gifts‚ driving her favorite old car. A breakdown cuts short his plans‚ and Alan pushes the car into the nearest garage

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