Integrated Planning – Module 2 1 Agenda • Forecasting‚ • Factors influencing Demand • Basic Demand Patterns • Basic Principles of Forecasting • Principles of Data Collection • Basic Forecasting Techniques‚ Seasonality • Sources & Types of Forecasting Errors Forecasting can be conducted at various levels Strategic Required for • Product life cycle • Long-term capacity planning • Capital asset/equipment/ human resource management Examples • Product line transitions • Annual volume out
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plans and decisions are being greatly affected by the employee as most of the saying goes. Employees are the ones that drives the business. The following figure illustrates the desired reciprocal relationship. [pic] (Alpander‚ 1982:79) FORECASTING LABOR DEMAND AND SUPPLY Upon Establishment of business plans‚ management needs to estimate future labor availability. To assess the supply of labor‚ companies needs to see both within and outside of the organization. Also‚ they will need to determine
Premium Human resources Human resource management Forecasting
Methods and Techniques of Sales Forecasting by Kenneth Hamlett‚ Demand Media Sales forecasting methods and techniques vary from company to company. Every company that uses sales forecasts possesses its own technique to approach the forecasting process. Some companies have a dedicated team of forecast professionals while others use the sales staff to generate the forecast. The statistical methods used to generate the sales forecast depend on the demand profile of the product. Statistical forecast
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fashion forecasting “Forecasting provides a way for executives to expand their thinking about changes‚ through anticipating the future‚ and projecting the likely outcomes.” (Lavenback and Cleary 1981) Long term forecasting (over 2 years ahead) is used by executives for planning purposes. It is also used for marketing managers to position products in the marketplace in relationship to competition. (
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National weather service weather forcast office This website is one of the esiest websites I could check about the daily weather through it. I can feel comfotable while Im using the services which provided in the website. This website provide many things and they are very important for me as a pilot.You can be beneficial and awarnce about the weather any where in the United states of America by entring your city and the Zip code of your city then you will get all the information and forcasts
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Marriott Rooms Forecasting Executive Summary In the case of the Hamilton hotel‚ Snow needs to make a decision as to if 60 additional rooms reservations should be accepted which could lead to overbooking (Weatherford & Bodily‚1990). It is a problem of capacity utilization that is being faced in this particular case where revenue maximization is aimed while minimizing customer dissatisfaction. In this report the case is put forward and various methods have been chosen to come to a sensible conclusion
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Our Mood Oualidslim Gharbi Community College of Aurora Extreme Temperatures Affect Our Mood The weather controls every aspect of our daily lives. It influences our choices and decisions on what to wear‚ what to eat‚ and what kind of activities we should do. Ancient civilizations feared and respected the power of the weather. They created and worshiped different weather gods. During extreme weather conditions such as during dry seasons and floods‚ they used human sacrifices to appeal to the god
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Eight Steps to Forecasting • Determine the use of the forecast □ What objective are we trying to obtain? • Select the items to be forecast • Determine the time horizon of the forecast □ Short time horizon – 1 to 30 days □ Medium time horizon – 1 to 12 months □ Long time horizon – more than 1 year • Select the forecasting model(s) |Description |Qualitative Approach |Quantitative Approach
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Sales Forecasting Sales potential is larger than sales forecast. Reason:- • Company do not have sufficient production capacity to capitalize on full sales potential. • No good distributive network. • Limited financial resource. • Company’s being more profit oriented than sales oriented. Sales forecast is depended on how much amount of resources can sell if it implements a particular marketing programme. Sales Forecast Methods:- 1) Qualitative method a) Expert’s opinion. b) Survey
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Howard 05/28/2012 Apple Forecasting‚ Budgets‚ &MRP A. Forecasting Technique I. Time Series Analysis A) Trend Projections-Fits a mathematical trend line to the data points and projects it into the future. B) Apple forecasting – Company is progressively stronger over past 10 years C) Current market demand requires trend forecasting B. Budgets I. Constant Workforce a) Monthly Calculations
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