1. The chief economist for Argus Corporation‚ a large appliance manufacturer‚ estimated the firm’s short-run cost function for vacuum cleaners using an average variable cost function of the form. AVC= a + bQ+ cQ^2 (the 2 is suppose to be exponent) Where AVC=dollars per vacuum cleaner and Q=number of vacuum cleaners produced each month. Total fixed cost each month is $180‚000. The following results were obtained: Dependent Variable:AVC R-Square
Premium Costs Variable cost Total cost
City Bank ‘s profits continued to decline. John Diamond‚ the CEO ‚didn’t understand why profits were declining‚ even though the bank was serving more customers. The Pierce County branch manager ‚ Rose Perez‚ noticed that while small retail customers flocked to the bank‚ the number of business customers was declined. Columbia City Bank’s costing system‚ develop back in 1988‚ is straightforward. No costs are traced directly to customers. The bank simply assigns the total indirect costs to customer
Premium Costs Sales Bank
company can allocate the costs incurred in the production of products or services in either a direct or an indirect manner. The direct costs can be defined as being the amount materials actually cost plus any other directly linked costs‚ such as labor‚ materials‚ electricity‚ labor for employee and management‚ machine depreciation) Production materials‚ machine or assembly wages. Labor and wages – the cost of obtaining‚ training and retaining labor is a significantly high cost which must be allocated
Premium Expense Cost accounting Employment
objective of accounting is to provide information that is useful in making business and economic decisions. What makes accounting information useful for decision-making? The answer is however the accounting information confirms to the qualities that should be possessed by the financial and cost & Managerial reporting. In view and addition to this‚ the importance of strategic cost management and costing techniques like Activity based costing should not be underestimated. This implies that organization should
Premium Management accounting Cost accounting Costs
TITLE: ACCOUNTING FOR DECISION MAKING Student : NGUYEN THANH DAM COURSE CODE: Accounting for decision making – final assigment Lecturer: Pham Quang Huy Page 1 ACCT 601 UBIS INTAKE 2012 - 2013 The University of Business and International Studies Geneva‚ Switzerland. PROBLEM Part 1: Optional Section In this part‚ the learners have to choose four of eight questions for answering. If you give the right responses‚ you will obtain 2.5 marks per one statement (i.e. this part is for
Premium Variable cost Revenue Costs
Overhead Allocation [pic] Overhead Allocation Overview In many businesses‚ the cost of overhead is substantially greater than direct costs‚ so the cost accountant must expend considerable attention on the proper method of allocating overhead to inventory. There are two types of overhead‚ which are administrative overhead and manufacturing overhead. Administrative overhead includes those costs not involved in the development or production of goods or services‚ such as the costs of front office
Premium Inventory Cost of goods sold
COSTING SUPPORT AND COST CONTROL IN MANUFACTURING A COST ESTIMATION TOOL APPLIED IN THE SHEET METAL DOMAIN PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Twente‚ op gezag van de rector magnificus‚ prof.dr. F.A. van Vught‚ volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 3 mei 2002 te 15.00 uur. door Erik ten Brinke geboren op 15 maart 1973 te Hardenberg Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door: de promotor prof.dr.ir. H
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TASK 1: Cost Classification and Ethics The Sorrel Pharmaceuticals Corporation manufactures a variety of drugs that are marketed internationally. Inventories on May 31 and June 30 were as follows: May 31 June 30 Materials Inventory $354‚100 $327‚400 Work in Process Inventory 112‚600 116‚400 Finished Goods Inventory 138‚500 142‚800 Purchases of materials for June were $142‚600. Direct labor costs were incurred and computed on the basis of 27‚000 hours at $8 per hour. Actual overhead costs incurred
Premium Variable cost Costs
Classify each cost listed below as either a product cost or a period cost for purposes of preparing the financial statements for the bank. 1. The cost of the memory chips used in radar set. * Product Cost 2. Factory Heating Cost * Period Cost 3. Factory Equipment maintenance costs. * Period Cost 4. Training costs for new administrative employees * Period Costs 5. The cost of the solder that is used in assembling the radar sets. * Product costs 6. The Travel
Premium Costs Fixed cost Variable cost
1) The cost of production for the mixing Department for the month of January 2010. (showing clearly the physical Units‚ Equivalent production Uniot and the cost assignment and cost analysis. 1 (a) Equivalent Flow of Production Physical units Direct Material Conversion Cost Work in Process‚ Beg. Jan. 1‚ 2010 - Started during the current period 5‚000.00 Total cost to be accopunted for 5‚000.00
Premium Costs Units of measurement Total cost