"Wind energy persuasive essay" Essays and Research Papers

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    Merri Marshall Professor Josh Fleming English 101 April 6‚ 2009 Selfishness The thought of not being able to have had the chance to know my siblings‚ good friends‚ or friendly people in our local town really makes the subject of abortion seem really simple to address. I don’t believe that there is any subject more black and white as abortion. The company we keep and those we grow up with really shape us into who we are today. The taking of a life is just a simple act of selfishness. I have three

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Clara Barton Clarissa Harlowe "Clara" Barton was a pioneer nurse who founded the American Red Cross. In addition to being a hospital nurse‚ she worked as a teacher‚ patent clerk‚ and humanitarian. At a time when relatively few women worked outside the home‚ Barton built a career helping others. She was never married‚ as she knew the restrictions of a married woman at the time‚ but had a relationship with John J. Elwell. During the end of the American Civil War‚ Barton worked at a hospital

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Imagine you’ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with; you’re completely in love and you want to get married; but you can’t‚ you’re not allowed to.  You don’t get to have a wedding reception‚ no vows‚ no exchanging rings‚ no walk down the aisle. You are also denied the legal rights that come along with marriage. If your partner gets sick with a terminal illness‚ you may not be allowed to visit them in the hospital because you are not their spouse. If they die from that illness

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Antonio Castaneda 6/19/2013 Persuasion Paper Football or Soccer Which Sport is More Dangerous? Have you ever wondered if football is a more dangerous sport than soccer? Football is a contact sport. You can get tackled in football but you can’t get tackled in soccer. You’re more prone to get injured in football than you are in soccer. A higher number of injuries result in contact sports. To help prevent injuries‚ both sports have rules that enforce the use of safety

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Writing as Inquiry GET OUT AND PLAY Get out and play. American children are lazier today than ever‚ and prefer sitting on the couch while grubbing fast food over being physically active. According to the US government‚ nearly 1 in every 5 kids is obese and1 in every 10 kids is depressed. Obesity is becoming a pandemic and could very well contribute to the psychological issues facing America’s youth. Most kids today are so fascinated by technology they become very attached. So attached‚

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    Persuasive Essay

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    People in school are poor at taking test‚ the main reason they are bad at testing because they get nervous and stress before the test‚ the way they can fix this is by getting pets. It is proven that dogs or cats reduce stress because petting or playing with a dog or a cat increases stress-reducing hormone‚ oxytocin‚ and decrease the production of the stress hormone‚ cortisol‚ said by Animalsmart.org. Stress is a pressure or tension exerted on a material object it could also be a state of mental

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    Persuasive Essay

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    A contemporary busy lifestyle is constantly expanding demands on people’s time. Since people perform many roles‚ time management does not stand alone today. It suggests life and self-management and the values that are essential in the way people use their time. Thus‚ people are paying greater attention to managing their time‚ life‚ and self. For a busy person‚ it is important to know stress reduction techniques in order to overcome stress that unfortunately becomes usual in today’s world. Actually

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Necla Dickerson January 2nd‚ 2013 Period: 4A Cell phones in school The issue I’m discussing is cell phone use in school. I think cell phones should be allowed in schools. I think it should be allowed because in my opinion I don’t think it is that much of a problem‚ as long as you have boundaries and rules. I think this will help with fewer issues in schools over cell phone being taken away‚ and lost by the teachers. The use of cell phones in school can be beneficial to both students

    Free Mobile phone

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Notably‚ humans have forsaken a long‚ arduous progress in terms of society. Many of whom are selfish enough to not see the great benefits that could be provided in the long haul. But‚ fortunately‚ there are some of us that “stick around” and are willing to sacrifice for the wellbeing of others. The success of the community is ultimately in the hands of each of the individuals. The person needs to make personal sacrifices for it to be a fruitful one. For instance‚ the players on a basketball team

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    Persuasive Essay

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    Taylor Simmonds Mrs. Carlson English II- Per 1 15 November 2011 Child Responsibilities Many parents may be very strict on their kids when it comes to doing things like playing with fire‚ using power tools‚ having a job‚ or even owning a pocket knife‚ but I on the other hand‚ disagree. Although I understand that it’s very dangerous for kids to be handling such things‚ it also builds their character. You wouldn’t just allow any kid to be in charge of such thing‚ they must have maturity and responsibility

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