The First mark is One.There is One lord, One teaching, One Body of Christ, One Holy Spirit, One Faith. The first mark keeps the church united through the profession of one faith. the first mark keeps the church united through one common celebration of divine worship. The first mark is visible in the church …show more content…
through world youth day. Having one Pope. The first mark is also visible that it unites people from multiplicity of peoples and cultures.
The Second mark is Holy.
Holiness is the perfection of charity. Jesus died on the cross to make the Church holy. Christ has also instituted 7 sacraments to keep and pass on His holiness. All Believers are called to holiness. Jesus is Holy. Holy means different just like we are different from God. The second mark is visible in the church through Models of holiness or saints. The second mark is also visible in The Cross as the reminder of the Perfect model of Holiness Jesus.
The Third mark is Catholic. Catholic is universal. The mark has a universal outreach to make disciples of all nations. Catholicism is the same faith professed and worshiped practiced. Catholic is the full sacramental life is also a complete confession of faith. The Third mark is visible through mission trips and the church itself. The Catholic church is where Christ teaching are taught. The Fourth and last mark of the Church is Apostolic. Apostolic mission is to share the gospel of salvation. Christ has been sent into the world to cleanse us from our sins. Christ has founded the church which he gave peter the key to it thus making him the Pope and the 12 Apostles.the Apostolic mission is the teaching of scripture and tradition. Guided by the successors of the 12 apostles. The mark is visible in the church as the Pope and the
bishops. Awesome now you know all of the marks of the church. so you know how the Church is One/united. Also How the church is holy from the perfection of charity. which is what are all striving to achieve. Also how the Catholic church is universal having members from all genders,races, age etc. and finally how the church is apostolic that has popes and bishops and how they spread the good teaching of our God also the spreading the good news of our salvation.