Improved outcomes for children and families through access to a wider range of services. It also gives more opportunities to children and young people who need them. For example a service that helps with speech development with help a child who is behind with their development of speech and helps for them to have the same opportunities as all the other children.
1.2 Partners at our setting could include the physio therapist who comes in or a speech therapist who also comes it. Senco is also a partner at our setting. Social services if needed would also be a partner of our setting.
1.3 An effective partnership will include regular visits if needed. Good communication and discussion. Awareness of any worries or queries and working together effectively to solve any problems. Equal cooperation from both sides of the partnership.
1.4 there are barriers to a partnership for example neither partner must not discuss what goes on in the partnership. At our setting if a partner comes in to see a child no other children must be discussed with the partner and the partner must not discuss …show more content…
If a member of staff does think that a child could benefit from some help from a certain agency that member of staff makes the manager aware of their observations and reasons to believe that. The manager then observes the child to see their views on the childs behaviour or speech etc. if the manager feels that they could benefit from the help of the agency the manager has a meeting with the childs parents to discuss it if the childs parents are happy with it then a member of staff from the agency comes to visit the child to assess how their skills could help the child if possible and then it progresses from