1.3, 1.5
1.1, 1.2
1.6 Understand integrated and multi agency working.
There are numerous agencies that may be involved with our school for different reasons. If a child is believed to have special educational need; for this there can be different reasons. Such as behavioural problems, slow learning or speech impediments. If the child was struggling within class or personally the SENCO would get involved.
A SENCO is a Special Educational Needs Coordinator. The SENCO within my setting is Miss Coffey. Miss Coffey has been on special training which gave her more insight and knowledge upon what special educational needs a child may have how to assess a child upon it and ideas on ways to help enhance their development. After the SENCO has made some observation upon the child if the SENCO believes a child needs extra help or further assessing then the SENCO refers them further. The four assessment areas are; Identifying needs early- assessment that involve knowing who would benefit from the CAF (Common Assessment Framework), assessing those needs with the child. This could be to local behaviour management team, local health visitors, or speech therapists. After the referral has been they will then liaise with the SENCO and come to a conclusion what is best for the child and how to help the child to progress forward.
It is very important that all agencies, involved with the child, work together and communicate regularly. This is because one agency may know certain aspects of the child’s life in more details and could offer guidance upon another aspect of the child’s life. For example a social worker may know more about home life than a school teacher therefore if home life may be a problem a child’s behaviour could suffer due to this therefore when communicating the teacher may ask if the other agencies have any ideas at why the child’s behaviour is so unpredictable and then a