Accurate Record keeping and documentation are the important process that facilitates continuity of care and accountability. By documenting a child’s learning we can see the progress the child is making over all the areas of learning and their own personal characteristics of learning. By recording how children engage with other people and their environment we can plan for the child to be effective and motivated learners, it also gives the child the opportunity to revisit previous experiences which have been recorded. A learning journey is one way to collate all the information we document on the child.
Documentation and accurate record keeping are vital to ensure accountability and facilitate care between childcare providers. Records provides a case history and has a more holistic picture of the child which helps us to follow up and try different approaches if needed, this is extremely valuable for children that have long term or complex needs and who will require the use of multiple agencies and or there is an emergency and the current manager is not available to provide the information. It is important to be able to provide the parents and or carers with accurate documentation if requested.