every exactly as this would affect the stage the child is actually at. It's also important that you remember the rights of the children and primary carers while doing any observation, according to Beith and Tassoni "It is important for anyone carrying out observations to remember that observations should be carried out only in the child's best interest. This means that it is unethical to set up situations that might cause the child or his/her parents distress and that all information gained during the observation and subsequent evaluation should be treated in confidence" (Beith and Tassoni(2002, page 22) It's also important that you don't make assumption and to observe and record everything correctly and make sure that all you write about is what you have seen the child do and not any personal information that isn't needed. According to Beith and Tassoni "To make an observation or assessment as accurate as possible, we must be careful that any prejudices and stereotyped ideas we have about the child are stripped away" (Beith and Tassoni(2002, page 23) While doing any observations it's important that you don't make any judgment about the child, you must know what the purpose of the observation is. It's also important that you share your observation results with the parents or carers of the child, it is also important that no other parents gain any information about other people's children this is confidentially which is very important to remember when doing any observations , according to Beith and Tassoni "It is essential that children's records are stored safely and that only parents, appropriate staff members
every exactly as this would affect the stage the child is actually at. It's also important that you remember the rights of the children and primary carers while doing any observation, according to Beith and Tassoni "It is important for anyone carrying out observations to remember that observations should be carried out only in the child's best interest. This means that it is unethical to set up situations that might cause the child or his/her parents distress and that all information gained during the observation and subsequent evaluation should be treated in confidence" (Beith and Tassoni(2002, page 22) It's also important that you don't make assumption and to observe and record everything correctly and make sure that all you write about is what you have seen the child do and not any personal information that isn't needed. According to Beith and Tassoni "To make an observation or assessment as accurate as possible, we must be careful that any prejudices and stereotyped ideas we have about the child are stripped away" (Beith and Tassoni(2002, page 23) While doing any observations it's important that you don't make any judgment about the child, you must know what the purpose of the observation is. It's also important that you share your observation results with the parents or carers of the child, it is also important that no other parents gain any information about other people's children this is confidentially which is very important to remember when doing any observations , according to Beith and Tassoni "It is essential that children's records are stored safely and that only parents, appropriate staff members