What are the main regulations covering the establishment of a day care centre?
Every childcare facility should be registered by their local authority as well as OFSTED. The main purpose of the register is to provide information about the day care services in the area to parents and employers. The way in which the register is kept should be decided by each local authority and in doing so the following points should be taken into account. The register should be compiled so that child-minders, playgroups and full day care facilities can be identified separately. Each entry should include the name, address, telephone number and number of childcare places. The register should not be kept on open shelves because of the risk of details about these facilities being used in an improper way. Enquiries need to be able to find out easily where they may consult the register. Notices about where it is kept should be displayed where appropriate such as libraries and hospitals. The facility should provide information of the following: the name of the person in authority, the address of the day care centre, and the type of service to be provided e.g. day nursery, playgroup etc., and the ages of children catered for and proposed number of children, experience and qualifications of all staff, references, health, criminal convictions, and names of staff.
Day nurseries may be found in purpose built or converted buildings, whatever types of building are used, the environment should be warm, well lit and child friendly and welcoming. The following space standards which represent clear space per child are desirable: Age of child | Sq. feet | Sq. meters | 0-2 years | 40 | 3.7 | 2-3 | 30 | 2.8 | 3-5 | 25 | 2.3 |
Fixtures such as cupboards should be excluded when considering whether there is sufficient space. As the premises used for day care are very different, the way in which space can be used will vary. No room, regardless of its size should have to