TDA 3.2
As part of the Every Child Matters agenda and the Childcare Act 2006, every three and four year old in England receives free part-time early years education for 38 weeks a year, for 15 hours a weeks. These 15 hours can be shared amongst different places for childcare. The government funds the local authorities to ensure every child can receive up to two years free education before reaching school age. There are many …show more content…
All day nurseries must be registered and annually inspected by Social Services. Day nurseries must compile with strict staff to children ratio, dependent upon the child’s age. Day nurseries are usually open from 8am to 6pm and care is usually available all year round.
Sure Start children’s centers work with parents from birth, providing early year’s education for children. Children can access full days care or short-time care. Parenting advice, health and family support can be accessed as well as training and employment advice from the sure start centers. The core purpose of sure start centers is to improve outcomes for young children and their families, with focus on those in greatest need.
Some parents chose to place their children with child-minders, who are based within their own homes. Child-minders belong to a registered child-minder network. A child-minder can look after a maximum of three children under the age of five, six children under the age of eight years. A child-minder can take and pick up children from school with the parents’