1.1 Explain how the range of early years settings reflects the scope and purpose of the sector
The range of Early Years Settings reflects on the requirements of parents and families for their children. Some parents want care for their children so that they can return to work, some may want to stay with their children while they socialise, some may want their children in a setting which offer services aimed at learning, whilst some may want their children to be in a home based environment and some families cannot afford to pay fees for provision. This is why the |Early Year’s sector has various forms of provision to meet the needs of families. Provision include Nurseries, child minders, pre-schools, crèches, children’s centres and parent and toddler groups.
2.1 Identify current policies, frameworks and influences on the early years
There are various policies in place which each setting is required to follow. There are five basic policies of good practice, Equality and Diversity Rights and responsibilities Confidentiality Promote anti discrimination, effective communication. There is also the Childcare Act 2006 were Child minders and childcare providers registered on the Early Years Register must meet the legal requirements set out by this act. The legal requirements you must meet for the safeguarding and welfare and the learning and development of young children are set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. There is the EYFS Framework which was put into place to ensure every child is given the best possible start in life and to ensure every effort is made ensure a child has equal opportunities to learn in a safe and secure environment. There is also the Foundation Stage, The Birth to Three Matters Framework and the National Standards for Under 8s Daycare and Childminding, to which are replaced by the EYFS. There is also the Every Child Matters Framework. The