As a teacher my responsibility is to teach, guide and assess my learners. Recording results is a vital part of the teacher’s role.
From an ‘internal’ sense accurate records that are taken throughout a course enable the teacher and learner to continually assess the effectiveness of the teacher and learner relationship. Records indicate whether pupils are learning what they are being taught and their progression within the course. Records can tell you which learners need more help, and whether a teacher needs to refine any aspects of their teaching for individuals or groups of learners.
‘External’ parties have an interest in the achievement of the learner. …show more content…
This can be parents or carers, employers and for government audit. Up to date records create a professional and credible learning environment. External verifiers need a complete record of learner achievement before a final award or certification can be given. Keeping assessment/assignment records is evidence of continuous progress. Further Education establishments are required to keep records for retention, achievement and success rates in order to secure funding and grants for the next academic year. A college also has a responsibility to stakeholders such as Ofsted. The inspectors use various records kept, to grade the college as an establishment, and make judgements and recommendations for improvements.
Records should: * Be meticulous * Be systematic * Be reliable * Use technology
(Francis and Gould - 2009 Achieving your PTLLS Award)
Keeping a record of an initial enrolment form for a particular course, gathers personal information, and any declared learning requirements as stated by the learner. This helps to ensure that the course is inclusive to all learners.
Induction records are also kept as a record of what has been explained during the initial stages of the course. This usually relates to the health and safety aspects of the course, expectations of the learner, including rules and code of conduct of the establishment. Students are asked to agree to the boundaries set, and are normally issued with a copy of a student handbook on completion of a course induction. Within the induction records would be details of any equipment training that is necessary before commencing the course.
Initial Assessment and Diagnostic Assessment of functional skills should be monitored and recorded. They can be used to develop an ILP within the ‘Learning Journey’. When learners begin their course it is good for them to have their own Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Personal targets can be set to aid the development and monitoring of learning. It can also be used to track progress and support study. Depending on the course, a training and assessment plan can be used alongside an ILP to plan and track progress through a particular qualification.
A register is an official auditable document which can give an indication of where learners may fall behind in their learning. Being able to highlight a learner’s attendance and punctuality and can indicate any problems which may benefit from referral to other departments in the college, agencies or professionals.
To register a learner with an awarding body qualification/registration forms are completed and recorded on to show a learner’s intent to qualify following a period of study with the examinations board or awarding body.
The purpose of a tutorial is to support, prepare and monitor learners and create a beneficial learning experience. Progress reviews and personal development reviews are discussed and recorded within tutorial time. These records can be reviewed and used to help aid retention and achievement which are the key processes measured in education.
Schemes of work are kept personally by teachers and can be uploaded onto a shared site. This is a teachers own record of the content of a course, which details the students learning needs, classroom resources and teaching aids. This ensures that the course content is laid out clearly, assessed and planned effectively and is followed accordingly.
Lesson plans are also recorded. They are held for a similar purpose to the Schemes of Work but relate to each individual session. A lesson plan should relate to the scheme of work, it should record your aims and objectives, assessment activities and self evaluation. It can also help to assess your learners and self evaluate the lesson and make improvements accordingly.
Assessment, both formative and summative, should be recorded. Individual assignment feedback forms are completed to record decisions about assessment. Lesson handouts should be marked, with feedback given to the learners and results recorded. Assignment tracking files should be kept up to date and results recorded, for internal, external verifying and audit purposes.
This would show: * Who was assessed; * What was assessed; * When the assessment took place; * Where the assessment took place; * Why the assessment took place; * How the assessment took place;
(Gravells – 2006 2nd Edition Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector)
2.2 Identify key aspects of current legislative requirements and codes of practice relevant to keeping records.
Organisations have their own codes of practice with regard to learner confidentiality. There are general laws and guidance to support this issue:
Data Protection Act (1998). Protects personal data which should only be used as stated, never disclosed (unless there are criminal implications), kept only for as long as required and must be held securely. Individuals have the right to see the information you keep about them. For issues surrounding child abuse and illegal acts we as teachers have a duty to report such confidentialities.
Freedom of Information Act (2000). The public’s right to know. An individual can request information held about them and about an organisation. Organisation must declare information about performance.
Human Rights – For teachers this relates to promoting Equality and Diversity and Safeguarding within the
Authenticity – As a teacher, I must try and ensure that work that is submitted for assessment is that of the learner, and hasn’t been copied from another learner or other sources. I can promote and develop research skills and guide students into revision programmes to help prevent plagiarism. When handing in work students can sign and date that it is their own work, which does not stop plagiarism but leads them into an ethical contract which can also be kept as a record.