1. What is the Data Protection Act
Our rights, responsibilities and obligations to data protection
The Data Protection Act gives the right to know what information is held about us, and sets out rules to make sure that information is handled properly for example by employer or a company.
The Data Protection Act is an act of the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament defining the ways in which information about living people may be legally used and handled. The main intent is to protect individuals against misuse or abuse of information about them.
The fundamental principles of data protection act to specify that that any person’s personal data must be: used fairly and lawfully. obtained only for lawful purposes. adequate and relevant. be accurate and current. not be held for longer than necessary. protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.
2. Employers liability insurance
Employers Liability Insurance covers your business if an employee is injured or falls ill at work.
All employers must take out this type of insurance for both employers and employees protection
Employers' Liability Insurance will only meet the cost of compensation for injuries caused to employees (or illnesses), whether caused on or off site. This type of insurance only covers employees. Any claims made against the employer by other third parties (members of the public) are covered by a different insurance called Public Liability Insurance.
3. First aid box
The first aid kit may contain the following :
A leaflet giving general guidance on first-aid
20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (different sizes), related to the type of work
2 sterile eye pads;
4 individually wrapped triangular bandages
6 safety pins;
6 medium sized individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings - approximately 18cm x 18cm;
1 pair of disposable gloves.
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