When promoting positive behaviour in schools there are policies and procedures that all staff need to be aware of. The main policies relating to behaviour will be the behaviour policies but other policies will also have an impact for example the health and safety policies, child protaction policies and anti-bullying policies.
As a school we have a set of 'Golden Rules' , these are our Code of Conduct and act as guidelines for the children ensuring they have a clear understanding of how we expect them to behave. These rules encourage our children to behave in a kind and considerate manner and promote a positive learning environment. These are our 'Golden Rules' :
Follow instruction first time
Are kind and polite to everyone
Move quietly and safely around the buildings
Include others and celebrate differences
Look after our things, our school, our planet
You and I respect and care for each other
These rules are displayed throughout school and are referred to constantly by staff and pupils alike.
We also have class rules which are devised by the class as a whole and are a really positive tool for encouraging good behaviour. Because the children have made the rules, they therefore own the rules which seems to really encourage the children to follow them and monitor each others behaviour. These are displayed in the classroom for all to see and act as a good reminder.
All adults in school are expected to act as good role models and to behave in a consistant manner. We make sure that good behaviour is recognised and praised as well as praising children for good work, effort and achievment. Recognitions for good behaviour can be any of the folowing and as a TA we are able to give any of these :
A smile and a compliment and verbal praise.
Stamps, smiley faces, badges, stars and stickers.
Showing work to other staff and