Formative assessment provides feedback which allows the teacher to improve the effectiveness of the children and young people’s transition throughout the learning process within education. Formative assessment is continuous throughout the education of children and young people and aids in the adjustment of the delivery of the lesson and its content.
This type of assessment can take the form of observations, open-ended questioning, checking pupils understanding of what has just been taught and listening to how pupils describe the reasoning behind reaching a specific idea. This method of assessment continuously engages the pupils ability to attain new skills and knowledge to help set new aims and objectives for the group and individuals (IEPs).
Summative assessment is different to formative assessment as it is not used every day. Summative assessment usually takes place at the end of a topic/term and at the of the academic year. Summative assessment would take the form of Key Stage SATs (in years 2, 6 and 9) or the development of the end of year school report. This type of assessment allows a wider range of individuals to gain an understanding of the pupils ability, such as: senior management, SENCO and parents, etc.
Formative assessment helps the teacher to make subtle changes in the learning process and reflect on planning. For example, if at the end of a maths lesson, the teacher asked the pupils whether they understood the lesson and the majority said they found it difficult then the teacher would now to plan another lesson to go over the same topic but try to find a different way of delivering the lesson.
Whereas summative assessment, allows the teacher to gain an in-depth understanding of the pupils ability and to reflect on the overall