Structures help organisms adapt to give them a better chance of survival. Structures could be many things. When you look at animals today you can see many things that give them advantages to survive in nature. A turtle is a great example because before they probably didn’t have shells or maybe softer shells. Ones with tougher shells are more likely to survive because predators can’t get to them, so the strong-shelled turtles pass on their hard shells to their offspring.
Another plant adaption I recall from school was a video I saw about weeds or dandelions. Weeds would grow out like normal, however when people started mowing lawns with the old …show more content…
The pepper moth has adapted to have a darker skin color to stay hidden from predators, but pepper moths in low pollution areas have a lighter skin because the trees have a lighter colored bark.
Kola bears have a unique adaption in that they can eat eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic to many other animals, so it doesn’t have to worry much about competition from other animals.
As I learned from Jurassic Park, frogs can change its sex if there are many other frogs of the same sex in the same area. Although not as scary as dinosaurs, this unique ability ensures survival of frogs because there is always a partner to breed with. Since frogs produce many offspring, it gives a chance for many frogs to come and eat our pesky flies and mosquitoes.
Flying lemurs have a unique ability to glide from tree to tree to avoid crawling on the ground where predators lurk. With extra folds of skin under its arms to is six times bigger than the rest of its body to maximize its surface area so it can stay in the canopies away from many