Control 1 Purchase requisition, purchase order, receiving report, and vendor's invoice are attached to the voucher. * C C 2 Acquisitions are approved at the proper level. C C C 3 Computer accepts entry of purchases only from authorized vendors in the vendor master file. C C 4 Documents are cancelled to pevent their reuse. C C 5 Vendors' invoices, receiving report, purchase orders, and purchase requisition are internally verified. * C C C 6 Purchase orders are prenumbered and accounted for. * C C 7 Receiving reports are prenumbered and accounted for. C C 8 Vouchers are prenumbered and accounted for. C C 9 Calculations and amounts are internally verified. C 10 Batch totals are compared with computer summary reports. C C C 11 Acquisitions are approved for prices and discounts C 12 Accounts payable master file contents are internally verified. C C C C C 13 Accounts payable master file or trail balance totals are compared with general ledger balances. C C C C 14 An adequate chart of accounts is used. C 15 Account clasifications are internally verified. C 16 Procedures require recording transaction as soon as possible after the goods and services have been received. C 17 Dates are internally verified. C
Deficiencies 1 Lack of internal Purchase order not approved D 2 Lack of internal Purchase quantities, prices, and / or extensions not correct D 3 Lack of