In this reflective account I will critically examine my practice with a particular patient at an acute psychiatric placement within Lanarkshire Using Driscoll’s (1994) model of reflection. I will introduce the Ten Essential Shared Capabilities (ESC, 2011) and values based practice and discuss what this means for mental health professionals. I will then relate my practice to the ESC’s and value based practice and link in elements of these frameworks into my practice. To maintain anonymity and with the NMC code (2008) in mind I have changed the name of the patient discussed.
10 ESCs in mental health practice
The ten essential shared capabilities or ESC’s were originally developed in England by the Sainsbury centre for mental health (2004) and the department of health (DOH). They were created to aid health care professionals to gain better understanding of the struggles that people living with mental health conditions may have in their day to day lives. They also increase service users’ awareness about what to care and treatment to expect from mental health services. The newly developed ESC’s were then taken by the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and in collaboration with service users, voluntary and statutory mental health representatives and carers, developed into a specific version to coincide with Scottish law. The original version of the Scottish ESC’s where then released by NES in 2007 which had a positive effect throughout the mental health sector. The materials were then revisited and evolved in 2011. The main theme still focuses on supporting cultural changes in services and promoting recovery based practice (DOH, 2004).
Values-based practice in health and social care
Value based practice in mental health means involving the patient in their care at all times while being non-judgemental about their wishes or personal values. It also works alongside evidence-based practice strengthening decisions in clinical judgement in many