“10 Things I Hate About You” Analytical Essay
The Film “10 Things I Hate About You” is based on a Shakespearian play. The film is about a teenage girl whose father will not allow her to date. Finally the girl’s father comes up with an idea – she can date when her older sister (Kat) does. Her Father knows that Kat is not going to date anytime soon saying “When pigs begin to fly”. The film explores many themes and issues relevant to teenagers today. Such themes include; Social Status, Expectations and Relationships.
Social Status is the rank of a person or group of persons within society. In this film they have used social status through the use of stock characters, to provide the viewer with easily recognisable characters to immediately relate to. An example of social status was communicated to the audience at the beginning of the film, where the character Michael was identifying the different groups of people at the school, to the new boy Cameron. The groups with a low social status included the cowboys; “Closest thing they’d come to a cow is McDonald’s” Said Michael. The groups with the highest social status were the ‘Beautiful People’ described by Michael saying, “Don’t talk to them unless they talk to you first”. This scene shows the viewer the different groups and their personalities.
Social status is communicated in this film by the acronym SAAO (speech, action, appearance and others opinions). An example of this is in one of the first scenes of the movie, where a group of popular girls (high social status) are at the traffic lights in a VW convertible, singing girly pop music wearing fashionable bright clothes, when Kat comes along side by herself (shows low social status), in an old, rusty sedan, wearing old unfashionable dull coloured clothes listening to rock music. The lyrics to Kats’ music “I don’t give a damn about my reputation” is a representation of her thoughts, beliefs and values. Kat’s superiority