Once you decide which essay you will focus on your FIRST TASK: After briefly looking at the following essays, consider which you would like to focus on your cause and effect paper (paper
Michihiko Hachiya’s “From Hiroshima Diary”
Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail.”
Michael Pollen, “What’s Eating America”
George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language”
Eric Schlosser, “Why McDonald’s Fries Taste So Good”
Angle: this is up to you—just remember that angle is your take on an ongoing conversation.
Purpose: to write a cause and effect paper
Audience / readers: This can be more open, though I would like to approve of your chosen audience. Choose a magazine, newspaper, newsletter, or any other medium that will fit your presentation of information. Your choice should be apparent to your readers—you can announce your readers—i.e. as readers of ___, etc. Be creative: there is no need to write a traditional essay, especially if you would like to include pictures, blurbs, color, etc.
Technical info:
3 full pages plus a works cited (no cover page), MLA format
Week 5: Due by Sunday, June 23, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
Memo for paper 2 (c & e) due Wed. by 11:59
25 points
Work on TAP and thesis for c & e (due Thurs. 25 points by 11:59 p.m.) feedback (due Fri by 11:59 p.m.)
25 points
Work on intro paragraph (due Sat by 11:59
25 points
feedback on intro paragraph (due Sun by 11:59
25 points
Week 6: Due by Sunday, June 30, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
Work on body paragraphs for c & e (due Wed. 25 points by 11:59 p.m.) feedback (due Fri by 11:59 p.m.)
25 points work on conclusion (due Sat by 11:59 p.m.)
25 points feedback (due Sun by 11:59 p.m.)
25 points
Total: 175 points
Week 7: Due by Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise stated.
PEER REVIEW: Due by Fri by 11:59 p.m.
25 points
Cause and Effect due by Sat by 11:59 p.m.)
150 possible points for paper parts—see rubric
Reflection for c & e due by Sat by 11:59 p.m.) 50 points
Assignments must be turned in on the date due, or they will be downgraded five (5) points per day late. No essays will be accepted more than five days after the due date. NO
A close reading of a piece in this section
A cause and effect paper written about a piece in this section
An analysis and application of the rhetorical situation
A well composed text / document professionally composed and presented
Reflective Writing Assignment
Directions: After writing your paper, your next assignment is to reflect on your writing process.
Your reflection can be set up as a memo (written to me) or a letter (written to me). Length: typed, 250 words maximum
What you need to do:
1. In a brief paragraph for each part of rhetorical situation, address your topic, angle, purpose, and readers. Explain what you set out for each, and how you achieved each or didn’t with specific details (cite specific examples from your work). Where were you successful?
Where do you need more work? (20 points— all sliding scale)
2. In a paragraph, answer the following: Do you feel your paper was a success? Explain your response, and consider the genre of report writing: do you understand the genre? Are you comfortable writing a report? (5 points—all sliding scale)
3. Turn in your reflective piece to me via the assignment link.
Assessment Measures for English 1101 (all sliding scale)
Assessment measures for your Cause and Effect Paper—all are sliding scale. Total: 150 points.
I. Sentence Level (15 points)
A. Grammar: Students write without major grammatical errors such as fragments, boundary errors, agreement errors, mixed constructions, faulty predications. (5 points)
B. Punctuation and mechanics: Students use marks of punctuation correctly and adhere to rules governing mechanics, including capitalization and use of the apostrophe. (5 points)
C. Style: Students write clearly and employ basic stylistic techniques such as parallelism, coordination and subordination of clauses, and variety of sentence types. (5 points)
II. Paragraph Level (60 points)
A. Focus: Students write clearly focused, purposeful paragraphs, including effective introductions and conclusions. (15 points)
B. Development: Students develop paragraphs logically, clearly, and consistently. (15 points)
C. Organization: Students arrange paragraphs logically and link paragraphs coherently and tie back into the thesis statement. (15 points)
D. Students pull examples from the essay they are focusing on to support their claims (15 points) III. Composition Level (75 points)
A. Response to assigned topics: Students respond directly and specifically to assigned topics and follow the directions of the assignment. (15 points)
B. Clarity of purpose: Students write purposeful documents or compositions organized and developed around a central idea or ideas (THESIS). (15 points)
C. Summary, paraphrase, quotation, works cited (MLA format): Students summarize fairly and accurately, paraphrase sentences and longer passages from written sources, quote sources appropriately and purposefully, and avoid plagiarism. (15 points)
D. Critical reading and writing: Students identify main ideas in sources and compose written responses to what they have read. (15 points)
E. Students do not use I, or give direct opinion/ personal information; they do not summarize but instead analyze (15 points).