During the founding of the new nation, the United States, there were a number of influential people who made important decisions based on their various opinions. These people, the founding fathers of the United States, would set examples, ideals, and rules for many leaders to come. Our first president George Washington, our 3rd president Thomas Jefferson, and our first Supreme Court justice John Marshall were all very important and influential individuals. Together, their opinions and ideals helped shape the growth of our nation from domestic policy to the basis of the government’s operation.
George Washington was the first president of the United States of America as well as one of its founding fathers. When he resigned from office and gave his farewell address, he stated three of his opinions that would be very influential in the development of the United States. During that farewell address, he addressed two very important issues. First was that the United States of America should remain in the most neutral position possible when it came to foreign affairs (this would be ignored by latter presidents). Second was that no political parties should be formed within the new government. These were significant statements because they helped to shape the foundation and cultural beginnings of the new American government. In addition to his farewell advice, he informally set the presidential term limit to two terms, a tradition which has been upheld to this day with very few exceptions. (Note: FDR was the only president to hold three terms) These opinions were important to him because he believed that they would enable the people to grow together as one strong, unified nation. While his ideals were certainly not held up forever, they allowed us to build up our country before civil war broke out among the southern and northern states.
President Thomas Jefferson was also a very important and influential president because of his