Many states and people obligates that Pakistan is a terrorist country. I am Pakistani and being a patriot my answer to states and people is “NO” we Pakistanis are not terrorist. I will clear it but my wish is that this article will read by those people who thinks that Pakistan a terrorist country. My suggestion to these people is to read HAZRAT MOHAMMAD (SAW) way of life style so that no one will raise that point again. He (SAW) is a loving person and spread love instead of hatred. He(SAW) is the father of Islam and we muslims are actually the followers of Islam than how we muslims are terrorists.
Now let me clear how we are not a terrorist country. Many organizations are trying to break Pakistan and once they are successful when Bengal is separated from Pakistan and now they are trying to break Pakistan further. The disaster of 911 is also the part of it when USAMA BIN LAIDN and his fellow’s attack World Trade Centre which in results America attacks on Afghanistan. Many afghan’s migrated to Pakistan and during migration some organizations migrated to Pakistan with afghan’s and live as citizen of Pakistan. After migration these organizations are going to target poor and needy people of Pakistan they usually belong from northern areas who don’t get food even for two days. These people are unfortunately illiterate. The organizations are going to give wrong knowledge on the base of Islam which Islam never says and it’s just a common sense that if the father of Islam HAZRAT MOHAMMAD(SAW) is peace full and loving person than how HIS (SAW) religion is spreading terrorism. Organizations are actually going to brain wash their minds and when their minds are brain washed they are ready to blast in the targeted areas where these organizations want to blast. This is how Pakistan declared as a terrorist country but actually Pakistan is not a terrorist country. These organizations create detestation amongst the Islamic