Analyse the impact of the 14th Dalai Lama on Buddhism
The 14th Dalai Lama by being both the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the political leader of Tibet can be considered as a global catalyst in promoting and expressing the true meaning of Buddhism, in that it is not a religion in the sense in which the word is commonly understood. It is not a system of faith or worship. In Buddhism, there is no such thing as belief in a body of dogma which must be taken on faith, such as belief in a Supreme Being or creator of the universe who is supposed to carry out the will of the Supreme deity. Buddhism begins as a search for truth. The 14th Dalai Lama is always in search for this truth to reach nirvana. Thus he can be considered as a world figure of modern Buddhism as in him is embedded this true meaning. Manifesting to the millions of Buddhists and non-Buddhists around the globe through his political acumen and arresting personality the 14th Dalai Lama has become a symbol of this religion, which sets out to use his life as an example. For over 50 years he has made a profound impact on the religion, encountering and making many visits from and to world leaders and through the process modernising, …show more content…
The above points provide as a modern elucidation of conceivably the Five Noble Truths of Buddhism. [Modernisation of Buddhism- contributions of the Dalai Lama, pg 117-120, Lella Karunyakara] Lastly although the 14th Dalai Lama remains prohibited in the relations of homosexuals he presents of modern Buddhist perspective by being ardent on the fact that society should tolerate gays and lesbians from a secular outlook. He said "willingness to consider the possibility that some of the teachings may be specific to a particular cultural and historic context"