Productions and Operations
Lesson #2
February 15, 2015
1).The reasons for formulating and implementing an operation and supply chain strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage for the entire supply chain. A supply chain strategy allows the supply chain to compete. Operations strategy has to follow certain objectives which is cost is a measure, quality, delivery and flexibility to assure customer needs.
7.) Some strategic decisions that might be required in a grocery stores operations and its supply chain would be inventory, process, and quality. This strategy emphasizes on imitation because come grocery stores focus on low cost to compete with other grocery stores.
8.) Some external factors that can affect the operations of an airline would be natural disasters, weather, terrorism, or malfunctions to air planes. Some external factors that can affect a bank could be high interest rates economy decline and change in management. External factors that might affect a semiconductor manufacturing would be economy, new efficient equipment and up and coming competition.
12.) The distinctive competence of the Starbucks is superior quality/innovations. Starbucks is the leading brand in coffee of fast food restaurant, Starbucks provides great tasting coffee that is surprisingly high cost but yet customers still purchase it. The distinctive competence of Hewlett Packard is innovation, product quality. HP specializes in computer technology. They are constantly trying to find ways to improve their products and compete with other companies such as apple. The distinctive competence of burger king was service and supply chain producing fast food service at a low cost and competing with other fast food chains.
18.) Chipotle is a prime example of a distinctive competency. This supple chain is valuable because so many people love eating chipotle, its fast food, but on the heathy side and an s good quality mean. Chipotle is difficult to imitate