The executive branch is run by the most important person in the United States, the president. Today the executive branch would have about 500,000 workers or members. That is sure a lot of men and women. The president administers the executive branch. In order to cast a vote to elect a president you have …show more content…
to be 18 or older. That is how the executive branch works.
The legislative branch is run by both houses of Congress. The Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has approximately 100 senators, 2 from each state. The House of Representatives has approximately 435 members. The numbers of representatives are based on population. So, if half of the population from each state leaves than half of the representatives are gone. That is how the legislative branch works.
Now for the last and final branch. The judicial branch. The judicial branch includes the Supreme Court and the lower courts of the states. The judicial branch has a total of 9 justices/judges. Eight associate justices and one chief justice. There are some judges who explain laws according to the Constitution. Those judges are the highest in the whole country. Also the judges/justices have there job for life. (Truman Library). That is all about the judicial branch and how it works.
The Constitutional Convention was so important because that’s where they made the Constitution.
The people who attended the Convention were called delegates.They are people nominated for an act or to represent one another. (Wikipedia) They are allowed to hold a convention where members from different parts of the country are assembled. Delegates were a big part of the Convention. They decided whether or not they wanted to divide the powers within the federal government. They were afraid that one branch would get too much power and that’s why they divided them into 3 branches. They also did not want one man or woman to be controlling all the branches. So, that is why delegates are so …show more content…
After deciding that they didn’t want one branch to get all the power they came up with a system called checks and balances. This system makes sure that one branch does not get all the power. Each of the 3 branches gets there own job. (Britannica).The framers of the Constitution saw the system as a helpful security system for the Constitution. Just so it stays safe. A lot of the delegates agreed with this system. They thought it was good idea and that it would work perfectly.
The Senate is one of 2 houses of Congress. It has 100 members, 2 from each state, as I mentioned before. In order to become a senator you must be thirty years old, must live in the state he or she represents, and they must be an American citizen for at least 9 years. For a senator you will be elected for 6 years. The Senate was established in 1789. Under the Constitution of course. The Senate has a nickname. And that nickname is “the house that never dies”. The invention of the Senate was convinced by the Founding Fathers. That is what you must have to be a Senator.
The House of Representatives is the other house of Congress. It, again, has 435 members. The states can have from zero to fifty representatives. The representatives are elected by the people. In order to become a representative you must be twenty five years old, an American citizen for seven years, and must live in the state he or she represents. They have a two year term. It was also established in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States. This time it was convinced by the framers of the Constitution.
How a bill becomes a law is important because it is part of the legislative branch. The bills go through almost all the branches. It starts with an idea. It can come from you or anyone. The bill is first introduced in either house of Congress. The bill is placed in a wooden box called “the hopper”. Once the bill is placed in the box it goes of to the committee where the House of Representatives and the Senate have a meeting to make changes to the bill and debate about it. (USA Gov). They vote if the bill should be passed along or ignore it. When they vote they need a two-thirds vote for the bill to be passed. The bill next goes to the president. He either approves or vetoes it. He will have ten days to make his decision then Congress will take over. If he approves it the it will become a law. But if he ignores it then they will ignore it as well. That is how a bill becomes a law.
I mentioned the word veto in the last paragraph. I am going to explain what that means. In order for a veto to occur the president needs to ignore a bill that was passed down. When that happens the bill becomes a law without the president's signature. It’s basically a denial on the law that Congress passed. So, that is a brief description of how a veto works.
The next i’m going to talk about is a process not a place. It’s the electoral college. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution. The electoral college is a compromise between a vote in Congress and a popular vote by citizens. It consists of 538 electors exactly. That sure is a lot of people. If the president gets 270 votes then he automatically wins and the person coming in second place is the vice president.
Next is a very important part of the branches. It’s called the cabinet. The cabinet is a body of advisers to a chief of state who also serves as the head of government department. As I said the cabinet is an important element of the government. The system originated in Great Britain. It developed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. (Britannica). The decision to officially develop the system was decided in 1717. It was established by Sir William Pitt. Today the cabinet contains 15 to 25 members. A prime minister usually gets to put together their own cabinet that represents its political party. They are also responsible for their departments. At the cabinet meetings they can freely disagree with each others at any time. A loss or vote can easily lower the cabinets power. That is how the cabinet system works, it seems complicated but you’ll get it.
Congress has two houses the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress meets once a year to agree on the date for adjourning. Congress has the power to do a lot of stuff and here of some of them. They have the power to lay and collect taxes, borrow money on the credit of the United States, regulate commerce, coin money, declare war, raise and support armies, and makes all laws necessary. That was a couple of the powers that Congress has.
The most important person in the United States is the president.
In order to become president you have to be 35 years old, a resident of the country for at least 14 years, and a natural born citizen. You can be elected 2 times for four years each time. The president’s main/official office is obviously the Oval Office in the White House. The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwestern in Washington D.C. There is a lot of responsibilities that the president has and here are some of them. Commander in Chief of the armed forces, negotiating treaties, appointing federal judges, ambassadors, and cabinet officials and acting as head of state. So, there is obviously more about president but this is short description of what he does and what you have to do to become president.’
This next person is the person who takes the place of the president if he dies, resigns, is disabled, or removal. It’s the vice president. The vice president is also serves as officer of the US Senate, but that’s mostly ceremonial. The position of the vice president also exists in the executive branch. There were/is 48 vice president in the United States. (Britannica). Some of them even became president. Here are some of them. Theodore Roosevelt, George H.W. Bush, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Nixon, Harry S. Truman, and Martin Van Buren. So those are some of the vice presidents that became
Next I am going to explain some of the different types of bills. First is a private bill. A private bill is a proposal for a law that would apply to a particular individual or a group of individuals. It can afford relief from another or bill, grant a unique benefit not available under general law, or relieve someone from legal responsibilities. Do not confuse a private bill with private member’s bill. A private member’s bill is a bill introduced by a private member of the legislature rather than by the ministry. That is the first bill now onto the next one.
The next bill is called a public bill. A public bill is a bill which proposes a law of general application. Another definition is a legislative bill affecting only a single person, group, or area. Such as a bill admission. So that was the public bill. There wasn’t that many information because this bill is slightly rare.
The last bill is a plain old regular bill. A bill is usually suggested under consideration by a legislature. (Wikipedia). The term bill is most commonly used in Anglophone nations. You have to have a draft bill before the introduction of you bill. And finally your bill will become a law as soon as everyone approves it
By creating three separate branches of government, the founding fathers assured that too much power would not amass in the hands of a people- then and now. In conclusion, the three branches of government is such an important part of our life. It helps us create laws and had a big impact on the Constitutional Convention. Some people didn’t know much about the three branches of government and now they do. And they know how important is is to our life now.