approval. It was condemned. Many business open to women now closed. Women’s political status had deteriorated advances by men.Women weren't allowed to go to medical school so female practitioners died out when it became a requirement to go to medical school, expect by 3 states. Women held a monopoly in profession in colonial America. Records of well trained midwives from European institutions working in colonies. Technological advances and scientific worked against female midwives.early nineteenth century male physicians had monopolized midwifery on the Eastern seaboard There were fewer female storekeepers and business women in the 1830's than there had been in colonial days. Nursing and teaching did not get eliminated by women. Teaching was important in America, but they paid very cheaply. Women were better teachers than men. Women also worked in industry’s. American industrialization depended on women and children. Depression hit hard for women in labor market. Women saw work as temporary because they were waiting to get married and have children. When ‘woman's place is in the home” came around it took on some aggressiveness. Life experience of middle class women was different from that of the lower class women. 1800-1840 provide the clues to an understanding of the institutional shape of the later women's organizations. American women were the largest disenfranchised group in the nation's history. In The Cult of True Womanhood they talk about how Womanhood was presented in the women's magazines, gift annuals and religious literature of the nineteenth century was in every home.
The attributes of True Womanhood could be divided into four cardinal virtues-piety, purity, submissiveness and domesticity. They spelled mother, daughter, sister, wife-woman. she was promised happiness and power with these. Religion or piety was the core of woman's virtue, source of her strength. Women are naturally religious. Stated by John Sanford "Religion is just what woman needs. Without it she is ever restless or unhappy.. One reason religion was valued was that it did not take a woman away from her home. Women were warned not to let their literary or intellectual pursuits take them away from God.Purity was important to young women. Marriage was the greatest night of a woman's life True women portrayed their virtue even if man didn't want them to. If Women overcame man’s assaults she was superior over them. Men were grateful when women saved themself for him. Women accepted with pride but suitable modesty, this priceless virtue. "Purity is the highest beauty” In the nineteenth century any form of social change was serious t to an attack on woman's virtue, if it was correctly understood.. American would boast if their daughters were innocent. Women understood her position. Woman were told to work in silence, not for money, just for affection. Women who worked for there husbands were known as “True Women” A wife was only to occupy herself "only with domestic affairs.” They were told to avoid conflict. Woman was required to submit to fortune. True woman's place was to be a mother and wife. Woman was expected to dispense comfort and cheer. Women were supposed to be the nurse, as a comforter. People got sick a lot, especially in the family. Women liked nursing, it gave them useful, and gave them accomplishment. Women had to do all the housework. Women loved reading, but only told
to read ones about history. There was debates on how much women should be educated. There was fear of “blue stocking” “(the eighteenth-century male's term of derision for educated or literary women.)” Marriage was seen as increase of authority for women. They were told not to marry for money, choose true love. They all wanted to be a mother. America depended on mothers. "Women's Rights” meant a lot to the True Woman. She knew her rights. Real women felt they did not live up to True Womanhood. They blamed themselves a lot. Women's Magazines were a big part to women all around. All the movements and reforms had responses from women, which varied. In the 19th century it was to be known men were superior over women. In present day it isn't like that anymore. Today Women and men are more equal than ever. Men controlled everything including, money. Women mostly were stay at home and mainly stayed at home while the man worked. Now some men even stay home while the women work or they both work. Men also were basically all of the political power too. Now many women have power in politics and we we almost had our first female president in the last election. Gender roles have changed a lot since the 19th Century and it will continue to keep getting better.