1879: Aggressive Assimilation Policy 1879 On March 14, 1879, Nicholas Flood Davin wrote the The Davin Report. It recommended boarding schools to be built by the government and run by the church. Davin believed that orphaned aboriginal children hated to be reminded of their ancestors and that the schools would allow the children to never go back to live like their predecessors.
1892 Order of Council .In 1892, the government and the church formally announce their partnership, and begin the residential school …show more content…
This marked the end of the Residential school system and allowed for healing to begin for survivors of Residential Schools.
June 11 2008. Stephen Harper, offered an apology to all Aboriginals who had to attend residential schools in Canada and face horrific living conditions as well as physical and mental abuse . The government also began a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Its mandate was to acknowledge the impacts of residential schools, to provide former students with compensation and a safe environment to heal, and to educate the public about residential schools in hopes to never repeat the same mistake again.
http://learningcircle.ubc.ca/files/2013/08/IRS-Colonialism-History-Impacts-2013.pdf https://books.google.ca/books?id=zAaQCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA97&lpg=PA97&dq=Aggressive+Assimilation+Policy+1879&source=bl&ots=9FBKQ2iNCj&sig=4e-UU_8zWlxstHcq5bJqwqyV8rU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjmkIWn_YzMAhVD5GMKHXdsB6sQ6AEIUzAJ#v=onepage&q=Aggressive%20Assimilation%20Policy%201879&f=false http://www.anglican.ca/tr/apology/