The 1890s have brought immigration have changes the American life. It has boosted the economic perspective as well as the economy, caused a surplus in population and has caused government to overreact by creating an amplitude off laws.
To begin with, the economy during the 1890s flourished. The increase of population such as the Chinese moving to California, made the farmers get an easy source of cheap labor. That means less money spent on workers and more in the pockets of the businessmen. They would then create bigger workplaces such as a factory and then the money would start to flow like water. Additionally, the United States had created a Railroad system to link the east with the west side of the country. The Union Pacific went through the plains and the Central Pacific went across mountains. This invention helped bring supplies from one side to the other allowing for migrants to take jobs in the new part of the work for little pay. The economy had begun to increase slowly. It didn’t need farmers with wagons to travel thousands of miles at low speed. The railway was much more convenient. It was more cost efficient as well as it took less time to travel than the old school wagon. Plus, the invention of barbed wire helped keep the cattle with the farmers and not with other Indians or predators bellies.
Additionally, during the 1890s the population had begun to travel higher and higher! The Polish had come from Russia to seek for independence as well as a new area to live verses their older more crowded home. In addition to the Polish, the Chinese came in there and talk about an increase, 200,000 Chinese came and helped by seeking for jobs and cheap labor. Furthermore, the Mexican ranchers have flocked to the United States to take advantage of cheap labor and the cattle kingdom. There were at least 5 million people in Texas during this cattle drive. There were 260,000 cattle running around,