Between 1866 and 1915 more than 25 million immigrants came to america to start new lives. Some of the push factors would be that, there was scarce land, scarce land is when there isn't enough of what they need, in this instance land. There was very little land left in their countries for them to farm on. Almost all people lost their jobs to new machines, automatic machines that would do the work for you. They started to come out with machines that did almost anything, they had machines that picked your crops, watered your crows, sorted your crops, every job you had to do was now done by machines. Political and religious persecution many people out of there homes. Revolution was a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. One of the biggests reasons immigrants got pushed out of their country for was poverty and hardship. Poverty and hardship drove immigrants to make new homes across the pacific. Although there is many factors that pushed immigrants out of their country there is many factors that pulled them into the united states. Immigrants were promised freedom and a better life if they moved into america. Most people would move to america because there family and friends already move their and they want to move there to be with there family and friends. Immigrants were offered jobs if they came to the united …show more content…
At the time the cities were organized in rings, The outer rings was where the wealthy people lived, the middle ring is where the middle class people lived, and the inner ring was where the poor lived. In the inner ring also known as the poor, people lived in what's called slums. In slums people struggled to survive, the streets were jammed with people, horses, push carts and garbage. There houses were known as Tenements, Tenements where usually six to seven stories high and divided into small apartments. The tenements were in very poor living conditions, they had no windows, heat, or indoor bathrooms, and they had to fit 10 people per room. Since the slums and tenements where in such poor conditions disease and sickness occurred rapidly. But despite the poor conditions the population in the slums grew rapidly, people could move in to take advantage of the low rent and cheap labor. In the middle ring of the center lived the middle class people. In the middle class cities they had doctors, lawyers, business managers, skilled machinists, and office workers. The houses in the middle class were very neat and lined in rows on tree shaded streets. In the middle class disease was less frequent but occurred one in a while. In the middle class activities gave them community and purpose they would do activities like having bowling leagues, singing societies, and