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The 1980s saw a revamped economy and a huge change in society, unlike any that had been seen since the 1920s. The 1970s left a general feeling of unease, which the 80s sought to correct. Because of the new economy, the 1980s was a decade filled with luxury and indulgence. The generation following the “Baby Boomers” was dubbed “Generation X.” The 1980s saw “Generation X” turn into the “me” generation. The number of well-educated young people was rapidly growing, which allowed for good jobs, with good incomes, followed by an excessive amount of spending. They made stock market investments, bought cars, houses and other luxuries including the relatively new personal computer. Credit cards became the go-to for spending, and the rate of usage increased …show more content…

The king and queen of pop, Michael Jackson and Madonna respectively, were named. Hip Hop artists, like Run DMC, came onto the scene to bring to the light issues regarding race and violence. The synthesizer helped to create a whole new genre of music that married pop and rock, while rock and roll itself, got a makeover. Bands like Metallica, U2, and R.E.M. exploded onto the charts with blends of different styles of rock. The decade became known as the “Blockbuster Era.” Huge films such as Back to the Future, Star Wars, Top Gun, and Ghostbusters broke records, while others such as The Breakfast Club and Wall Street shed light on some of the flaws of the decade. Furthermore, the invention of the VCR helped to expand the film industry even more with people being able to watch movies from home without having to travel to the theatre. Because of cable, sitcoms and other TV programs gained popularity. Many shows focused on the plight of everyday life, while others were more genre-specific. The newly created Music Television Network, MTV, gained exponential popularity. Because of the increased number of television viewers, advertisers turned to cable to promote their

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