Winston the protagonist of 1984 by George orwells, is portrayed as a man that reverence h words, stick to it and ultimately reverence it. But along the storyline winston degressed and became a slave to his own weakness. Winston indulged in a secret relationship with a party member Julia, they lasted quite a while in the relationship thinking they were not going to be caught, this became history the moment they were caught by O’brien who had known about this affair because he had been watching winston for 7 good years. He made sure Winston was taken to the ministry of love where he was tortured, in order to give up his belief about Big Brother and the party. Winston was an adamant individual even with the torture, he refused to give up his ideas. Before taking winston to room 101 he stated that “There are three stages in his reintegration”, ‘there is learning, there is understanding and there is acceptance”. it is time for you to move on to the second stage. Room 101 is a torture room in the ministry of love in which prisoners are subjected to his or her own worst nightmare, for winston, his fear was that of rats, o’brien stressed the fact that “they will leap onto your face and bore straight into it, sometimes they attack the eye first, sometimes they burrow through cheeks and devour the tongue”. Terrified by the image of the scene presented to him by o’brien, which may likely seem to become the end of him, he saves himself by denouncing julia subjecting to the laws of the party he also accepted the principle that 2+2=5. As a result of this experience, winston loses all rebellious thought and replaced it with undiluted love for the party.
Winston the protagonist of 1984 by George orwells, is portrayed as a man that reverence h words, stick to it and ultimately reverence it. But along the storyline winston degressed and became a slave to his own weakness. Winston indulged in a secret relationship with a party member Julia, they lasted quite a while in the relationship thinking they were not going to be caught, this became history the moment they were caught by O’brien who had known about this affair because he had been watching winston for 7 good years. He made sure Winston was taken to the ministry of love where he was tortured, in order to give up his belief about Big Brother and the party. Winston was an adamant individual even with the torture, he refused to give up his ideas. Before taking winston to room 101 he stated that “There are three stages in his reintegration”, ‘there is learning, there is understanding and there is acceptance”. it is time for you to move on to the second stage. Room 101 is a torture room in the ministry of love in which prisoners are subjected to his or her own worst nightmare, for winston, his fear was that of rats, o’brien stressed the fact that “they will leap onto your face and bore straight into it, sometimes they attack the eye first, sometimes they burrow through cheeks and devour the tongue”. Terrified by the image of the scene presented to him by o’brien, which may likely seem to become the end of him, he saves himself by denouncing julia subjecting to the laws of the party he also accepted the principle that 2+2=5. As a result of this experience, winston loses all rebellious thought and replaced it with undiluted love for the party.