
1984 Rebellion Research Paper

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1984 Rebellion Research Paper
Blake Naba
April 26, 2017
Mrs. Schroder
English IV
Rebellion in an Politically Oppressed Society When a government has full control of their people, a slew of rules will follow that may inspire political upheaval if those being control are not in favor of the rules. Many things inspire rebellion, though many back down in the face of adversity, do not gain enough of a following, or are not meticulous enough when it comes to planning to rebel. In 1984, a totalitarian government controls everything in a nation named Oceania. With the public constantly being monitored 24/7, they must show full allegiance to this nation and must not even think a bad thought towards it. Physical activity is forced, food is rationed by the government, and all citizens
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The Party controls every aspect of their nation’s media, which means it is riddled with false positive political propaganda about their own government, lying about the welfare of their nation, government, education, and a plethora of other important government owned properties and services. This means that a constant flow of biased, wrong information is being delivered to the population, creating a false sense of reality for all. Few see through the facade, but it is a spark of rebellion for some. All it takes is one unhappy citizen to develop a following, and a rebellion can begin, and a government manipulating the media to lie to citizens is a good enough reason for most to fight back, and in 1984, this rebellion takes the form of a secret society known as The …show more content…
When a person’s peace of mind is compromised, so is their sanity. The early parts of the novel display the thoughts of Winston as he commits the epitome of thoughtcrime, writing “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER”, repeatedly. This series of events being placed in the beginning of the novel throws the reader right into the oppressive government that is The Party, and shows the reader what they are all about. Rebellions are started by those who feel oppressed by their superiors, people who feel like they have no way out unless they fight their way out, start a revolution. Winston’s feelings of oppression are transferred into intense desires to rebel against The Party, specifically wanting to break one of their cardinal rules, no sexual encounters with anyone. He meets a fellow member of The Party who feels an urge to rebel, it is a selfish urge however as she only enjoys the personal thrill. Her name is Julia, and she has an affair with Winston to rebel against The Party, the two fall in love. This proves how quickly rebellious thoughts can turn into life changing scenarios, with Winston and Julia both committing crimes that can change their lives

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