1. What is a telescreen? What is its purpose?
The telescreen is a sort of T.V. / radio/ security camera, its purpose is to monitor the people and make sure they are keeping with the Party ideals. 2. What is Newspeak?
Newspeak is a new form of language, one that had been perfected by the government and is used by Party members. 3. What are the four ministries?
The four ministries are as follows; Minitru, Miniluv, Minipeace and Miniplenty. 4. What are the slogans of the party?
The slogans are Ignorance is strength, War is peace and Freedom is slavery. 5. Why is Mrs. Parson afraid of her own children?
Because as the kids grow they are trained by the party to always watch out for though criminals and they often tend to turn on their own parents and report them to the though police. …show more content…
What does the party do with the past? What part does Winston play?
The Party changes and rewrites to past to conform to what they say, Winston is among the people who rewrites the past documents and books. 7. What is a memory hole?
An incinerator of sorts, it disposes of all the old documents by burning them. 8. Who is Syme? What does he enjoy doing?
He is a worker at the Ministry and the closest thing that Winston has to a friend. He enjoys his work as a writer of the Newspeak dictionary. 9. Why does Winston think Syme will be vaporized eventually?
Because Syme is too aware of what is going on, he is to smart. 10. What is the junior anti-sex league?
It is an organization of people who are against coitus, they practice celibacy. 11. Why does Winston believe that hope for the future lies in the proles? Because they are not controlled by the party, they do not follow what the Party wants and the Party doesn’t concern itself with