Winston Smith, the protagonist, undergoes a drastic change in attitude and personality as he went from being a mundane party worker to developing into a form of freedom fighter. The change in his nature is credited to his environment and the characters that surround him, and he undergoes three major changes which are signified by the three parts to 1984, first being the infancy of his rebellious thoughts, the second attributed to his relationship with Julia and the final stage credited to the revelation of who O’Brien is which peaked his hatred before his ultimate downfall deeming him an obedient lover of Big
Winston Smith, the protagonist, undergoes a drastic change in attitude and personality as he went from being a mundane party worker to developing into a form of freedom fighter. The change in his nature is credited to his environment and the characters that surround him, and he undergoes three major changes which are signified by the three parts to 1984, first being the infancy of his rebellious thoughts, the second attributed to his relationship with Julia and the final stage credited to the revelation of who O’Brien is which peaked his hatred before his ultimate downfall deeming him an obedient lover of Big