Julia's on the other side is substantially more intriguing. She is a lady with Wild hormones and a deceit soul. An exceptionally sexual being, she sleeps with Party members regularly to satisfy her own cravings. She drew closer to Winston with the adoration note because most likely to begin another unlawful undertaking. She busies herself with community service and other orthodox activities so she can get away from the gathering's of the thought police radar
Julia is not interested in big brother. , She doesn't have memories in that case she couldn't put the pieces of event or series of thing that had occur in the past or currently. She won't bother finding out more thing, things like big brother secret or why and how they manipulate people. In addition, When she falls asleep when winston was reading the book, it show that she is bored. Also having parental influence meant she did not have to fight for things that belong or concerns her which made julia not care about big brother.
Julia is more …show more content…
She and Winston knew that they were being watched but they were not sure by who and will be arrested for their poor decisions by the thought police someday. This is place thing started to go to pieces for Julia and her lover. Immediately, she was taking for cross examination, she was the first to break their trust of not selling out each other affection. Haven feared that it might lessen the weight of punishment for her and also might spare her from