Sections I-II 1. Describe Victory Mansions. Why is the name ironic? Victory Mansions, Winston’s home, is a smelly, run-down place with no electricity in the daytime and an inoperable elevatior. It is certainly no mansion. 2. Describe Winston Smith. Frail, blonde, 39, blue overalls, nervous, depressed 3. What kind of invasion of privacy exist in Oceania? The two-way telescreen, the Police Patrol swooping down in helicopters to peer in people’s windows, the constant fear of being targeted as an enemy by the Thought Police, the posters of Big Brother with reminders the “Big Brother is Watching You.” 4. What are the three slogans of the party? War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength 5. What are the four ministries and their purposes? The Ministry of Truth oversees news, entertainment, education, and the arts. The Ministry of Peace is in charge of war. The Ministry of Plenty is concerned with economic affairs, and the Ministry of Love enforces laws. 6. Why was it such a terrible thing for Winston to write a diary? It indicated that he was expressing thoughts not planted in his head by the Party. What does the account in his diary tell you about this society? They are completely oblivious to human rights. 7. What hope does Winston have about O’Brien? That he is intelligent and politically unorthodox; that he knows something about the Brotherhood. 8. Who is Emmanuel Goldstein? The enemy of the people and the focus of the Two Minutes Hate. What purpose does he serve the government? It gives the people a “traitor” to unite against, reinforcing their own witless devotion. How did Winston sometimes feel toward Goldstein? His heart went out to him. In what other ways was Winston’s hate channeled? Toward the girl with dark hair, who was pretty and sexless and seemed very orthodox. 9. What “thoughtcrime” did Winston commit? He wrote “Down with Big Brother” over and over in his diary. What happens to those arrested
Sections I-II 1. Describe Victory Mansions. Why is the name ironic? Victory Mansions, Winston’s home, is a smelly, run-down place with no electricity in the daytime and an inoperable elevatior. It is certainly no mansion. 2. Describe Winston Smith. Frail, blonde, 39, blue overalls, nervous, depressed 3. What kind of invasion of privacy exist in Oceania? The two-way telescreen, the Police Patrol swooping down in helicopters to peer in people’s windows, the constant fear of being targeted as an enemy by the Thought Police, the posters of Big Brother with reminders the “Big Brother is Watching You.” 4. What are the three slogans of the party? War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength 5. What are the four ministries and their purposes? The Ministry of Truth oversees news, entertainment, education, and the arts. The Ministry of Peace is in charge of war. The Ministry of Plenty is concerned with economic affairs, and the Ministry of Love enforces laws. 6. Why was it such a terrible thing for Winston to write a diary? It indicated that he was expressing thoughts not planted in his head by the Party. What does the account in his diary tell you about this society? They are completely oblivious to human rights. 7. What hope does Winston have about O’Brien? That he is intelligent and politically unorthodox; that he knows something about the Brotherhood. 8. Who is Emmanuel Goldstein? The enemy of the people and the focus of the Two Minutes Hate. What purpose does he serve the government? It gives the people a “traitor” to unite against, reinforcing their own witless devotion. How did Winston sometimes feel toward Goldstein? His heart went out to him. In what other ways was Winston’s hate channeled? Toward the girl with dark hair, who was pretty and sexless and seemed very orthodox. 9. What “thoughtcrime” did Winston commit? He wrote “Down with Big Brother” over and over in his diary. What happens to those arrested