World History: 1 Semester Final 2013
1. Jerry Brown is elected as governor of California. This is an example of Indirect democracy
2. The
is the law of the land in the United States. This is an example of civil rights and liberaties
3. Each citizen in town votes to place a stoplight at Main Street. This is an example of direct democracy
4. Indian tribes fight to have equal access to voting booths close to their homes. This is an example of civil right
5. African Americans sought to end racial segregation in the south. This is an example of
Civil right
6. The U.S. Senate votes to ratify a treaty negotiated with France. This is an example of civil liberty
7. The ACLU challenged a decision to ban a march by the KKK. This is an example of indirect democracy
8. Not being discriminated against because of color, race, creed, religion, or sex is an example of
Civil Right
9. The First Amendment affords people the freedom of speech, press, and religion. This is an example of civil right
10. Individual worth is an example of
Civil Right
11. Henry VIII acquired the throne from his father &sought to pass the throne to his son,This is an example of
12. All citizens attend the Greek Assembly to discuss, revise and pass new laws. This is an example of
13. The idea of indirect democracy can best be defined as
All citizens meet in one place to make laws for their state
14. An oligarchy is defined as a form of government in which a small group having control over a country, or institution 15. Which ideals contributing to the rise of democracy come from Greece?
Worth,Dignity of the indiviual,rational thought,citizenship,political freedom
16. The Western political idea of rule of law originated from principles put forth by the Democracy
17. According to Plato, people are chosen for public service based upon lack of anything meaningful in their life
18. Which form of government did Plato hold in the highest esteem?
19. According to Aristotle, the best government was ruled by
Educated middle class
20. Tyranny is unreasonable because the military is war. Only philosophers possess the necessary intelligence for ruling.
This idea comes from
21. Greek philosophers rejected the idea that events were caused by the gods’ whimsy because
22. Romans established which form of government?
The Roman Republic
23. Which document of the
Old Testament in the
has the first remnants of written law?
24. What was the moral of the Parable of the Good Samaritan, as told in the Gospel of St. Luke?
25. What is one difference between the JudeoChristian and GrecoRoman religions?
JudeoChrristian influenced democracy and GrecoRoman
26. People’s visible actions & the desires of their hearts, must be in line with God’s laws.This was taught by
27. What overarching philosophy is taught by the Christians and imparts equality to all?
28. God created people with the same ability to reason morally. This makes them equal, and equally responsible to live up to the same moral codes and principles. This is based on which tradition?
Roman Law
29. Taxation without representation and due process of law were rights first expressed in which document? The Magna
30. The representative assembly in England that counsels the king is called
Common Counsel
31. Which document arose out of the Middle Ages as a triumph for democracy?
32. Why was the Great Charter, or Magna Carta, an important document? to stregthen the idea that a monarchs power was limited
33. Which democratic principles were expressed in the Magna Carta? seperation of the church and state, no taxation
without representation, no secert meetings of government,no right to take away any property, due process of law,safe for citizens to travel without restrictions
The Magna Carta’s most important legacy to democracy was the idea of “The Rule Of Law”
Review all 10 questions on the Magna Carta (King John at Runnymede)
What did the Renaissance era begin to incorporate less of?
Importance of the indiviudal
Which Reformation characteristics contributed to the rise of democracy?
Strengthening on the indiviual
World History: 1 Semester Final 2013
38. Which is the idea that kings are chosen by God & are only responsible to God?
39. How can the powers of the monarchs be described throughout the 1600s?
40. Why was the Revolution of England hailed as “glorious”?
41. Which document, written in 1689, limited the powers of the monarchy in England?
42. Which king replaced James II of England at the end of the Glorious Revolution?
43. The significance of the Glorious Revolution of England was that it saw the offical overthrow of absolute monarchy
44. A proposition on the November ballot asks citizens to voice their opinion on a measure. This idea of direct democracy comes from
45. In
The Republic
, Plato declared tyranny to be illegitimate. Which form of government did he hold in the highest esteem?
46. According to Montesquieu, the purpose of checks and balances in a democratic government is to
Limit the power of two branches
47. John Locke’s ideas were most powerful and threatening to the monarchs of the time because he said that governments
Are formed to protect life,liberty and property (3 natural rights)
48. The “shot heard around the world” in references to the beginning of the American Revolution, was so named because
49. Enlightenment ideals were reflected in the Declaration of Independence because colonists issued a proclaimation
50. Thomas Jefferson was
Author of Declaration of Independance
51. The
Declaration of Independence is based on the writings of which Enlightenment thinkers?
52. What were some of the accomplishments of James Madison?
Constitution and Bill of Rights
53. The
Magna Carta
, the
English Bill of Rights
, and the
Declaration of Independence refer to what rights that the kings of
England must respect? The right of life and Liberty
54. World governments that include a separation of powers, a bill of rights for citizens, and the assumptions that government receives its power from the consent of the people, were inspired by which intellectual movement?
55. What were the economic problems in France that led to the revolution?
Louis XIV incurred large debts in his many wars,French arsitocracy blocked taxes on themselves
56. What were the social problems in France that led to the revolution?
57. What were the political problems in France that led to the revolution? The monarchy and the nobility over the reform of the tax system
58. Why was the French Revolution not as successful as the American Revolution? becauwse its actions & leaders were unable to provide stability France
59. How did the democratic values of the French Revolution end up in the hands of a despot like Napoleon?
60. After Napoleon’s exile, what was the goal of the Congress of Vienna?
61. What political idea declined as a result of the Glorious Revolution, Enlightenment, & American Revolution?
62. The American Declaration of Independence in 1776 was based on Locke's idea that people had the right to
63. In what way did the United States Constitution apply the ideas of Montesquieu? seperates the powers of tthe goverment into the Executive, Legialative, and judical branches
64. What was the breakdown of the 3 Estates of the Old Regime in France?
65. What % of the land/wealth did each of the 3 Estates of France possess?
66. What % of the total French population was each Estate?
67. What were the reasons why Louis XVI's government was deeply in debt? because he put money on alot of wars
68. The fall of the Bastille was important for the French Revolution because
Symbolic importance of how they held prisoners 69. What were the reasons for the failure of Napoleon's invasion of Russia?
70. What did Napoleon do during his final Hundred Days in France?
71. During the French Revolution, the Thermidorian Reaction was
72. The era of the Napoleonic Wars was concluded by which peace treaty/conference?
World History: 1 Semester Final 2013
73. “Men are born, and always continue free and equal in respect of their rights. Civil distinctions, therefore, can be founded only on public utility.” In 1789 these statements were part of what famous document?
74. In an effort to conduct a successful economic war against Britain, Napoleon created the
75. Which group of French society, during the Revolution, was most closely associated with the Reign of Terror?
76. During the French Revolution the most powerful member of the Committee of Public Safety was Marat
77. What was the “Great Fear” that swept through the French countryside in 1789? a period of panic and riot by peasants 78. What were the goals of Napoleon Bonaparte’s “Continental System,” initiated in 1806?
79. A vocal element in the French Revolution, the sansculottes were working people , common people of paris
80. What did those members of the Estates General who took the famous
Tennis Court Oath swear to? to stay in session until they could write a new constitution
81. Who was the most dominant figure at the Congress of Vienna?
82. During Napoleon’s One Hundred Day return to Paris, what did he accomplish?
83. What year did Napoleon seized power in France?
84. What year was Napoleon finally exiled to St. Helena?
85. How did the American Revolution influence the French Revolution? by protesting &rebelling against the british monarchy fighting for liberty and life
86. What did Mary Wollstonecraft argued for?
87. What was the most radical idea expressed by women in the Enlightenment?
88. Why did colonists come to resent the British taxes they were required to pay?
Why did the colonists hold the Boston Tea Party? to protest a tax on tea
What were the British advantages during the Revolutionary War? experienced soldiers and military leaders, had alot of weath
What were the colonists’ advantages during the Revolutionary War? fighting for their homes and land
Why did the delegates write a Constitution instead of keeping the Articles of Confederation?
93. How did the grievances of American colonists, with regards to taxation, reflect Enlightenment ideas?
Which English laws did American colonists cite in their cry of "no taxation without representation?" forced to pay the stamp and tea act
How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals? it makes rights and potiential of the indiviual th
Why did Louis XVI (16
) finally agree to summon the Estates General? france essentially bankrupt
What did the National Assembly vow in the Tennis Court Oath?
To draft a constitution
Which event became the symbol of the French Revolution? the storming of the bastille
99. What was Napoleon's family background?
100. List the positions/titles that Napoleon had, in chronological order, outlining his path to power.
101. What controversial move did Napoleon make with regard to the Catholic Church?
102. Which social class(es) supported Napoleon?
103. What was the result of Napoleon's invasion of Russia?
104. What was Napoleon's legacy to France?
105. What was Napoleon’s legacy to Europe?
106. After his defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, What happened to Napoleon?
107. What were the political consequences of the Glorious Revolution of 16881689?
108. What did the lists of grievances/ cahiers brought by members of the EstatesGeneral to Versailles in 1789 call for?
109. What was the Napoleonic Code? the french civil code established under napoleon
110. What is parliament? the centre of any form of democracy
111. Who were the Stoics? Greek Philosophers
World History: 1 Semester Final 2013
Who were the Scholastics?