Let TV(t) represents for a requested node’s historical trust level at the end of time interval t, and
C(t + 1) represents for this node’s capability level on providing service for the next time interval t + 1 (prediction time interval), which includes the remnant utilization ratio of battery, local memory, CPU cycle, and bandwidth at that point. Let TV(t + 1) refers to the same node’s current trust level for the next time interval t + 1.
Assume the fuzzy membership function of TV(t) or TV(t + 1) consists of four fuzzy sets: VeryLow(VL-Malicious node), Low(LSuspect node), Medial(M-Normal trustworthy node) and High(HAbsolute trustworthy node), and the fuzzy member function of C(t + 1) consists of three fuzzy sets: Low(L-Low capability …show more content…
of Nodes 20,40,60,80 and 100 Area 1000 X 1000 MAC 802.11 Simulation Time 50 sec Traffic Source CBR Rate 100Kb Propagation TwoRayGround Antenna OmniAntenna Attackers 1,2,3,4 and 5
Initial Energy 10.5J Transmission Power 0.660 Receiving Power 0.395
4.2 Performance Metrics
Evaluate performance of the new protocol mainly according to the following parameters. We compare the Trust Based Threshold Revocation (TBTR) [10] scheme with our proposed CTBR scheme.
Average Packet Delivery Ratio: It is the ratio of the number of packets received successfully and the total number of packets transmitted.
Overhead: The overhead is the number of router packets received by the receiver.
Packet Drop: It is the number of packets dropped during the data transmission
Residual Energy: It is the amount of energy remains in the nodes after the flow successful flow transmission.
4.3 Results & Analysis
The simulation results are presented in the next section.
A. Based on Attackers
In our first experiment the number of attackers are varied as 1,2,3,4 and 5 for CBR