First, more students should go to community college instead of four year universities for their first 2 years of college, since community colleges are cheaper. Going to community college for the first two years, is way cheaper than going two years at a university. While attending a community college your first two years, you can be saving your money so that you can put it towards the second two years of your education at a university. People that follow the Community College path are bound to succeed in their career, because the people who barely afford to pay the university tuitions get more stressed out and end up giving up their education than the ones that can work less and pay less at a Junior College. That’s why more students should, go to Community College.
Second, More students should go to community college instead of four year universities for their first two years of college, since community colleges are closer to most individuals. It’s a big advantage that you can stay closer to your home, because that makes life easier on yourself. For example, your siblings living at home can do the shores for you like, doing the laundry or fold your clothes, and they would have to do it, because you would be too busy doing homework trying to get a better life. Your siblings will understand. Also, dorms at Universities are very expensive, they cost more than $500 a month on average. The amount of money you pay in one month for rent is the same as paying one quarter at Community College! Its way better staying at home, not paying rent and saving money. People who do this