Unit III: Period 1789 - 1848 Out of Many Chapters 8 – 14
Focus Question: #2 Why would Thomas Jefferson’s Democratic-Republican Party have been more likely to support the common people of France in the French Revolution along with general support of France over Britain? Why would the Federalists have been more likely to support the French Crown in the French Revolution and the British in general over the French?
Class Activities and Learning Opportunities:
1. Attendance and Welcome
2. Background screen and This Day in History
3. Intro the Unit III Objectives/short …show more content…
Writing: How to write an opening paragraph (DBQ/FRQ) the opening paragraph to the 2005 APUSH DBQ needs to be completed for next time. The PowerPoint review of how to write and the DBQ are found in the APUSH Student Handout Folder
5. Lecture: First Presidents: Washington, Adams, and Jefferson
6. Video Analysis: Crash Course US History: Where U.S. Politics came from episode #9
Due 10/22 or 10/23
1. the presidential organizer 1788-1820
Due 10/24 or 10/27
1. The first paragraph of the 2005 APUSH DBQ
Due 11/13 or 11/14
1. The Unit III Objectives/short answer questions
2. The Unit III Test
ID-1 Analyze how competing conceptions of national identity were expressed in the development of political institutions and cultural values from the late colonial through the antebellum periods
ID-2 Assess the impact of Manifest Destiny, territorial expansion, the Civil War, and industrialization on popular beliefs about progress and the national destiny of the U.S. in the 19th century
WXT-2 Analyze how innovations in markets, transportation, and technology affected the economy and the different regions of North America from the colonial period through the end of the Civil …show more content…
WOR-3 Explain how the growing interconnection of the U.S. with worldwide economic, labor, and migration systems affected U.S. society since the late 19th century
ENV-3 Analyze the role of environmental factors in contributing to regional economic and political identities in the 19th century, and how they affected conflicts such as the American Revolution and the Civil War
CUL-2 Analyze how emerging conceptions of national identity and democratic ideals shaped value systems, gender roles, and cultural movements in the late 18th century and the 19th century
Key Concept 4.1: The United States developed the world’s first modern mass democracy and celebrated a new national culture, while Americans sought to define the nation’s democratic ideals and to reform its institutions to match