Supreme Court Of India
(1) U.P. Power Corporation Ltd.(2)State Of U.P. v (1) Rajesh Kumar & Ors.(2)Brij Bhushan Sharma & Anr.
Appeals disposed of
Hon 'ble Mr. Justice Dalveer Bhandari & Hon 'ble Mr. Justice Dipak Misra
(2012) 7 SCC 1, 2012 (2) UPLBEC 1222, JT 2012 (4) SC 459
Constitution (Seventy-Seventh Amendment) Act, 1995
Constitution (Eighty-Second Amendment) Act,2000
Constitution (Eighty-Fifth Amendment) Act, 2001
Constitution of India, 1950 [ art. 16 / art. 16(1) / art. 16(4A) / art. 309 / art. 32 / art. 335 / art.
341 / art. 342 ]
Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority Rules, 1991 [ r. 8 / r. 7 / r. 6 / r. 8A ]
Uttar Pradesh Public Servants (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other
Backward Classes) Act, 1994[ s. 3(7)]
Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (First Amendment) Rules, 2002
Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (Second Amendment) Rules, 2005
Constitution (Eight-first Amendment) Act, 2000
Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (Third Amendment) Rules, 2007
The General Manager, Southern Railway Vs Rangachari (Referred) 1961 Indlaw SC 148
Shri Bhagwan and Another Vs Ram Chand and Another (Referred) 1965 Indlaw SC 473
State Of Punjab Vs Hiralal & Ors (Referred) 1970 Indlaw SC 284
Akhil Bharatiya Soshit Karamchari Sangh (Railway)Represented Vs Union Of India And Ors.
(Referred) 1980 Indlaw SC 277
Comptroller And Auditor General Of India, Gian Prakash, Newd Vs K.S. Jagannathan & Anr.
(Referred) 1986 Indlaw SC 806
Sundarjas Kanyalal Bhatija And Ors Vs Collector, Thane, Maharashtra And Ors (Referred) 1989
Indlaw SC 758
Indra Sawhney And Ors Vs Union Of India And Ors (Referred) 1991 Indlaw SC 735
R. K. Sabharwal and Others Vs State of Punjab and Others (Referred) 1995 Indlaw SC 1756
Union of India and Others Etc Vs Virpal Singh Chauhan Etc (Referred) 1995 Indlaw SC 1803
Ajit Singh Januja & Ors. Vs State Of
Citations: (2012) 7 SCC 1, 2012 (2) UPLBEC 1222, JT 2012 (4) SC 459 LEGISLATION REFERRED Constitution (Seventy-Seventh Amendment) Act, 1995 Constitution (Eighty-Second Amendment) Act,2000 Constitution (Eighty-Fifth Amendment) Act, 2001 Constitution of India, 1950 [ art 341 / art. 342 ] Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority Rules, 1991 [ r Uttar Pradesh Public Servants (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes) Act, 1994[ s Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (First Amendment) Rules, 2002 Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (Second Amendment) Rules, 2005 Constitution (Eight-first Amendment) Act, 2000 Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority (Third Amendment) Rules, 2007 (C) No. 10217/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 4022__ OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP (C) No. 2729/2011, 2730/2011, 2737/2011 WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 402 3 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No ) No.14189/2012 (CC 4421/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 402 5 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14190/2012 (CC 4431/2011) WITH CIVIL APPEAL NO 4697 OF 2011 WITH CIVIL APPEAL NO. 4699 OF 2011 WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO.402 6 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No 2 (arising out of SLP(C) No.14179/2012 (CC 5580/2011), WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO.402 1 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14184/2012 (CC 6362/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14181/2012 (CC 6482/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 401 8 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 14183/2012 (CC 7042/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 4020O F 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No.14184/2012 (CC 7058/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO.403 0 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C) No. 30325/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO . 403 1 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No 30327/2011) WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO.403 3 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No. 30692/2011 WITH CIVI L APPEA L NO.403 4 OF 201 2 (arising out of SLP(C ) No