The stories that Dr. Maxwell tells in the book helped me understand how each of these laws will assist me in becoming a leader that people want to follow. The stories of great leaders like Ray Kroc of McDonald’s, President Roosevelt and Princess Diana add clarity to the 21irrefutable laws. Dr. Maxwell makes each person’s life story a journey into leadership excellence. He shows how they each achieved great success in relation to one or more of the 21 laws and made a positive impact in the lives of people. For this book review, I will summarize each of the 21 laws, reveal my score from the leadership evaluation and state its relevance to my life or ministry.
The Law of the Lid: “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness” (Maxwell, 2007, p. 1). Leadership ability is always the lib on personal and organizational effectiveness. Whatever needs to be accomplished in an organization is limited by leadership ability. Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership. My leadership evaluation score in this area is a five. My ability as a leader will limit or place a lid on my personal growth and the growth of the organization I lead. Our church will not rise beyond the level of my