Objective 1.1
Define psychology.
Key Terms
Psychology- scientific study of behavior and mental processes
1. Put a check mark by each statement that is true regarding psychology.
_√____ Psychologists study human behavior.
_√____ Psychologists study animal behavior.
_ √___ Psychologists study emotions and mental processes.
_____ Psychology and "common sense" lead to the same conclusions about behavior and mental processes.
_____ Psychology is not a science.
Objective 1.2
Define the scientific method, and explain how it is used in psychology.
Key Terms
scientific method
1. What is the main purpose of the scientific method?
2. The steps of the scientific method are (1) identify a problem or research question, (2) design a study, (3) collect data, (4) analyze data, (5) draw conclusions, and (6) communicate findings. Identify the step associated with each of the following activities:
_____ Dr. Lopez noted "absent" or "present" by each student's name on his class roll at each class meeting. He recorded students' exam scores on his roll sheet as well.
_____ Dr. Lopez hypothesized that students who consistently attend class get higher grades than those who are absent more often.
_____ Dr. Lopez published the results of his study in the Journal of Community College Teaching.
_____ Dr. Lopez calculated the correlation between his students' rates of absence and their exam scores and found that the two variables were positively associated.
_____ Dr. Lopez planned to track students' attendance and exam scores and to correlate these two variables at the end of the semester.
_____ Dr. Lopez inferred that the data he collected supported his hypothesis regarding the relationship between attendance and exam scores.
Objective 1.3
Describe the major schools of thought and theoretical perspectives in psychology.
Key Terms
behaviorism psychoanalysis humanistic psychology cognitive psychology