In some patients, an elevated blood pressure reading taken during an office visit may not truly indicate hypertension—it could just be an occasional occurrence. These individuals are given a portable device to record their blood pressure over a 24-hour period. This helps us more accurately determine whether or not a patient usually has high blood pressure and requires treatment.
Advanced Lipid Profile
An advanced lipid profile test gives more information than a standard lipid profile—the cholesterol test your doctor usually gives you—to get a more accurate picture of your risk for cardiovascular disease.
With an advanced lipid profile test, we can measure the individual levels of particles that make up LDL (bad) and HDL (good) cholesterol, which may be a …show more content…
The test is useful at determining decreased blood flow, even at early stages, which can change the course of treatment.
Carotid IMT Evaluation
In a carotid intimal-medial thickness evaluation (IMT), an ultrasound is used to measure the thickness of the two innermost layers of the wall of the carotid artery in your neck. Although this is not the same as examining your coronary artery, studies of thousands of patients worldwide have shown that the thickening of the carotid artery or the actual presence of plaque can indicate the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.
Coronary Calcium Scoring
In a coronary calcium scoring test, CT scans are taken of the heart to detect the amount of plaque on your coronary artery walls, which can block blood flow to your heart and be an indicator of cardiovascular disease.
Endothelial Health