1. After reviewing the Romanticism resource page, list three characteristics of Romanticism. Also, identify three authors of the Romantic period. Characteristics 1. Profound love of nature 2. Idealism 3. Passionate nationalism Authors 1. William Cullen Bryant 2. Nathaniel Hawthorne 3. Edgar Allan Poe
2. Using the Transcendentalism resource page, list three characteristics of Transcendentalism. 1. Celebrated individualism 2. Intuition 3. Reverence for nature
3. How did Transcendentalists feel about nature? What did Transcendentalists feel about the inherent nature of human beings (were humans inherently good or evil)?
Transcendentalists revered nature, and believed that humans were essentially good. 4. Transcendentalists believe that individuals "transcend" by learning from and living in harmony with nature. Thoreau put this philosophy into practice by living alone in a cabin he built himself at Walden Pond for two years (1845 -1847). Thoreau's experiences during this period provided him with the material for his masterwork Walden (1854). The quote below is from Walden. Describe two specific things Thoreau learned about life by translating the lines below in your own words:
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.... I wanted to live deeply and suck out all the marrow of life." (Walden)
From this quote I believed that Thoreau learned that life must be lived to the fullest, I think this because he compares this to sucking marrow, the sweetest most hard to reach part of meat. Thoreau also learned that life, to be enjoyed fully,